“See, that’s why I love you!”


“This is a great location,Xavier. It reminds me of the Saint Louis office,” I said while looking at the office space Xavier had chosen in Houston.

He accepted my partner offer and had been working on securing a location for the Houston office. I thought he’d found the perfect location.

“I think that’s why I chose it,” Xavier replied. “It’s large enough for us to start and when we need more floors or space, the owners will be able to accommodate us.”

“Good. I’m sure Houston will be a good spot for you with Nette and Daisy already here. Speaking of, how did Daisy react to the news about your move?”

“She tried to act nonchalant about it, but my first couple of days at Zanetta’s condo, she came over to check it out.”

“You are going to stay at Zanetta’s place?”

“Yeah, the one that Roman gave her in his building. It’s not too far from here and will give me a chance to get familiar with the city before I buy or build,” Xavier explained.

“I spoke with Morris about moving him into a senior associate position, and he accepted. I told him that he would have a lot more responsibility and I asked if he thought he could do it with his parenting responsibilities. He said he could, so I am going to give him one of your larger clients to see how he will handle it,” I explained.

“I’m sure he will do fine. He’s not afraid to ask questions or ask for help so he will be a great asset to the senior team. I wish I could have him here but I know the situation with his kids, and their mother is fragile,” Xavier said, “You sure you will survive without me?”

“We will be fine. Things are changing for the better. Leathen accepted the plea deal so he will serve his time in protected custody. His wife was charged with witness tampering and also accepted a plea deal. She won’t do any jail time but she will be on probation for several years. She sent a letter through her attorney apologizing to Averie after she saw the pictures of her husband and Caroline.”

“Caroline was getting in with Leathen too?”

“Yeah, she was a busy girl.”

“What about Bell and Caroline?”

“We’ve acquired several of Bell, Towers and McIntyre’s clients. They voted Bell out due to the morality clause in his contract. He has an appointment with the bar’s ethics committee to discuss his license. Caroline may be facing some jail time since she is the one that hired the guy that slipped something into Leathen and Freda’s drinks.”

“All over daddy issues?”

“Yep. Fighting over a man than never wanted her.”

“That’s sad. Anyway, are you ready to talk to Nette about designing this place and sign the lease?”

“Let’s get it done partner.”


I’m on my way. Don’t go anywhere and don’t take any calls. I have something to discuss with you.

I’m at home. - El

Even better.

I rushed off the elevator and found Samuel sitting in his office.

“Hey, babe. I have something to share with you,” I said as I entered the office.

“Hi, love. What’s going on?”

“Two things. First, I know I told you about the important meeting I was having with the make-up mogul, Missy Machado?”

“Yes, she wanted some advice on how to proceed with taking the company public?”

“Yes but she actually wanted to discuss Patterson Law taking on her company as a client,” I smiled.