“Whoa! Everyone was trying to get her business,” Samuel said.

“I know, but I got it and a nice check to go along with it. With these billables, I will be out of your debt in no time.”

“Congratulations, baby,” Samuel smiled.

“Thank you,” I smiled. “The second thing is…you know what, take off your clothes before I tell you this story,” I said.

“Take off my clothes?”

“Yes, it’s going to save time.”

He squinted his eyes at me then stood to remove his clothes. I bit my bottom lip while watching him disrobe.

“Underwear too,” I nodded at the black boxer briefs that hugged his enormous thighs deliciously.

I watched while he pulled them down. I loved the sight of his cut and rippled body. I licked my lips thinking about the things I wanted to do to him.

“Vee! Stop staring at my dick and tell me what you are talking about.”

“Humph?” I looked up to meet his eyes. “Okay, so…”

“You’re not taking your clothes off?” he asked.

“No, you will take them off after I tell you this, I’m sure.”

He sat down in his chair waiting for me to continue.

“Okay, so, I had a very interesting meeting today with some women who want to file a sexual harassment class action suit against a prominent businessman. It’s going to generate so much attention.”

“Is he guilty?”

“Yes. They have email correspondence, text messages and taped meetings to prove his guilt.”

“Wow. Good for you, baby. This will solidify Patterson’s position as a powerhouse firm.”

“Yes, it would if I could take the case but I can’t. It would be a conflict of interest, so I recommended them to Michelle over at Casey and Ludlow.”

“Why did you do that? What is the conflict?”

“My husband is partners with him.”


“Bad choice of words, no not Xavier, Theodore Wolfe. The principal owner of the Charlotte Stars is about to be taken down by four women and a badass attorney. I asked Michelle for the courtesy of waiting until next week to hold the press conference to give us a chance to get ahead of this with the Stars. I know that I messed up your bid to take over the team when you had to bail out Patterson…”

“Vee that’s not how I feel…”

“No, I did. You put yourself to the side to make sure I was okay. I love you forever for that, but now I think that you can present a buyout offer to Ted and he won’t have any choice but to accept it. So, I took the liberty of drafting two offers. One,” I took the folder from my bag and put it on the table, “is a low-ball offer just to show him that we are in control and if he waits too long and it hits the media before he gives you an answer, this is all he is going to get. This one,” I handed him the second folder, “is the one that he should take. It’s about thirty-five percent lower than what you were going to originally offer him which will work with your current financial standing since Patterson has turned a profit in the first quarter of your backing.”

Samuel looked at both offers then looked at me. I knew that look which was why I told him to take his clothes off. I was about to be rewarded, and I was ready for all of it.

“Come here, Patterson,” he beckoned me with his pointer finger. He stood from his seat and pulled me close to him. “Thank you for doing all of this for me.”

“It’s my pleasure,” I said while he started kissing my neck.

He backed me up until I felt his desk at the back of my thighs. He lifted my dress and put his thumbs in my underwear and pulled them down. Lifting me up and sitting me on his desk, he pushed me until my back rested on the top of the desk. He went straight for my sweet spot and licked one long, slow stroke. My hand went to the top of his head immediately. I spread wider giving him all the access he needed to give me my reward. He sucked, licked me into a powerful orgasm. He moved up my body until we were face to face.

“What do think about owning a percentage of the team? All your own, separate from mine.”