Page 45 of My Summer Fling

I sigh.

I pull off my shirt and jeans and make my way back out to the couch. I haven’t slept in the bed since Millie left. I can’t. It doesn’t feel right to be in there without her. So I get my makeshift bed together and turn on the TV for some background noise. It’s hard to sleep in here without Annie’s snoring or Millie’s little mumbles she makes as she dreams.

I throw my arm over my face, conscious of my eye, and try to fall asleep. Tomorrow is going to be make or break, so I just repeat the little speech I've prepared for her in my mind over and over again until I pass out.

Millie looks gorgeous.I can’t breathe any time she’s within sight. I can’t stop staring at her. Her hair is perfectly curled and pulled away from her face so those bright blue eyes shine in the sunlight. Her bridesmaid dress is a deep navy blue and made of this flowy material that flows with her body in the best way.

She looks so happy as she speaks to everyone, laughing at their jokes and talking animatedly with her hands.

But when it comes to me, it’s like I don’t exist. Actually, it’s worse than that. It’s like she knows I exist, and she’s purposefully showing me what I can’t have. She’s giving everyone the attention I want right in front of me so I know what I’m missing.

Sometimes she glances my way, and I think she might look at me, talk to me, smile at me … anything. But she doesn’t. Her eyes always drift past me or through me, like I’m not there. But for me, she’s the only one that’s here. No one else exists but her.

Someone clears their throat, and I turn around to find Beth looking up at me with one eyebrow raised.

“I see they were able to cover up that bruise,” she says.

“Yeah, thanks for lending me your make-up artist.”

She looks at me for a second and then smiles at me, pulling me in for a hug.

“Thank you for helping Millie this summer.” Millie’s name in my ear makes my stomach turn. “Just give her some time, Noah,” she says, pulling away and squeezing my arms.

I nod.

“Anyway,” she continues. “I came over here to tell you that Roman is ready for the boys to take their separate pictures, and then we’ll finally be done. And thank god for that because I’m starving.”

I laugh and kiss her cheek.

“We’ll be quick,” I tell her. “I’ll make sure Roman doesn’t take forever.”

Someone calls Beth’s name, and I make a quick escape, moving through the reception area to find the other guys. I’m not paying attention and end up colliding with Millie. Her drink goes flying and she stumbles backward, her arms flailing.

I grab for her, latching onto her waist just before she falls. Pulling her against my body, I’m able to keep her from falling on her ass. The cutest surprised squeak comes out of her mouth, and her hands grip my biceps tightly.

Until she realizes who I am.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t see you,” I tell her as she pulls back from me like I slapped her.

“Strange,” she says under her breath as she straightens out her dress. Fuck, she looks amazing. “I could’ve swore you’ve been looking at nothing but me all day.”

She gives me the tiniest smile when she looks back up at me. My heart soars with that one little win she’s given me. She poked fun at me,andI got a fucking smile. I could break out into song and dance right here.

“You look beautiful,” I tell her. I resist reaching out and touching her, even though I want to. She has a stray lock of hair that keeps blowing in her face, and I want to smooth it back behind her ear. But I know it’s too soon. I haven’t said what I needed to say yet.

“Thank you.” Her voice is quiet and she’s not looking at me anymore. She’s trying to look anywhere but at me. And I just stare at her, because I can’tstoplooking at her. No one else exists at this wedding for me. No one else exists anywhere for me. She’s it.

“You got my letter?” I ask her, trying to keep her closer to me for longer. I know I have to go but I don’t want to leave her side.

“Noah! Let’s go!” Roman yells from where the guys are all gathering.

She ignores my question, still trying to find anything else to look at.

“Millie, I miss you,” I say at the same time she says, “You better go.”

“Millie, please give me a few minutes later? Just five minutes. That’s all I need.”

“Two,” she counters. The corner of her mouth threatens to rise but she covers it up quickly.