“Four,” I volley back, moving so she’s forced to look at me.
Her eyes squint at me in a challenge. “Three.”
“Deal.” I beam down at her and hold my hand out. I want her to take it, to shake my hand, to give me any sort of physical touch. Just something. Anything.
Come on, Millie.
She rolls her eyes and gives me another little smile before she shakes my hand and then walks off to talk to someone else. I’ve got my chance. This is going to be my last opportunity to make this right, to let her see how truly sorry I am and just how much I love her.
“Noah!” Roman yells again. I look at Millie’s retreating figure one last time before jogging off to join the other guys.
I don’t even pay attention to what’s going on. All I have on my mind is exactly what I want to say to Millie and how I’m going to get it all out in three minutes. I repeat it over and over again while I smile at the camera and try to celebrate my best friend getting married.
But behind Roman, Millie watches us out of the corner of her eye the entire time, stealing any ounce of my focus away from him, planting it directly on her. She talks to people, laughs with Beth, and sips her new glass of champagne.
She seems so at ease. But those eyes … those beautiful blue eyes keep drifting back over to me. And I can’t help but take that as I sign that maybe my letter made a difference. Maybe there’s still hope.
I’ve felthis gaze on me like a ton of bricks all day. He won’t take his eyes off me. And I’m not sure how to feel about it. Fuck, who am I kidding? I love it. When he stops looking at me to talk to someone that approaches him, I feel naked.
I’m in the middle of the dance floor, singing and dancing my heart out with Tiffany. Beth and Teddy let me bring her along as my date so she could see Roman while he was here. And even though he’s off taking pictures constantly, she’s dancing for him with every song.
And I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t doing the same thing. Every time my hair flips or my hips roll, I’m doing it for Noah, hoping he notices and likes what he sees. Beth told me this morning that he got into another fight with Brandon last night over something Brandon said about me … again. And judging by his eye, Brandon got a good swing in on him before Noah finished it off.
I’m wondering when he’s going to come talk to me. I told him he could have three minutes. When is he going to take them? The wait is killing me, making my stomach twist like a pretzel from the anxiety. I just want it over with. I know I have a huge decision to make tonight.
Tiffany smiles and leans in to kiss my cheek.
“Hear him out,” she says as she pulls away and winks.
The moment she’s out of my grasp, I feel someone walk up behind me. I know it’s Noah because no one else can make me feel like this just from standing next to me. The hair on my arms raises, and goosebumps break out across my skin.
“Millie,” he says when I turn around. He looks so good in his black suit and tie. He still has his scruff but it’s been trimmed up, and his brown hair is pushed back and away from his face, showing off those sculpted cheekbones. I can barely see the bruise thanks to the concealer.
“Hi,” I say. Because it’s the only thing I can get to come out of my mouth.
“Can I have those three minutes now?” He smiles down at me, making that stupid dimple pop on his cheek. His hand reaches out and brushes a stray piece of hair out of my face and behind my ear.
There’s still loud music playing and people are dancing all around us, but I feel like it’s just us right now as we stare at each other. It’s like that scene inPride and Prejudicewhen Keira Knightley and Matthew Macfadyen are dancing together and everyone else in the scene disappears. I swear I could hear a pin drop between us.
I realize that I’ve just been standing here staring at him instead of answering his question. So I nod and let him take my arm to guide me away from the reception tent and down to the shoreline. The music fades into the background and we’re left with the crashing waves as our soundtrack.
“You got my letter,” he starts.
“I did. And the flash drive.”
“Creepy?” he asks, a smile blooming across his face. But I can tell he’s a little embarrassed about it. His cheeks are flushed a little pink and I think it’s the first time I’ve ever seen him like this.
“A little creepy,” I tease.
“You have to know, Millie, that everything I wrote in that letter is the God’s honest truth. I’m so incredibly sorry for the things I said you that day. And how I treated you. It was inexcusable.”
He takes a step closer to me, and instead of moving back, I let him invade my space. I let his scent overpower the smell of the ocean and take over my senses. I’ve missed him so much it’s hard to breathe being around him now.
“I forgive you for what happened in college,” I tell him. And it’s the truth. I’ve been holding onto this grudge for long enough. People make mistakes all the time. “We were both so young. Putting all the blame on you wasn’t fair. I should’ve communicated better beforehand. I shouldn’t have put so many expectations on you that night.”
“I don’t deserve your forgiveness, Millie. But I’m selfish man, and I’m going to take it.” He closes the rest of the distance between us and takes my face in his hands, sliding them back into my hair. I let my hands rest on his forearms while we just look at each other.
“Millie,” he continues. “Please forgive me for the things I said that day at your house. Forgive me for not being man enough to open up—to tell you the truth.”