“Yeah, well, I don’t really have an excuse other than he’s really hot and his legs are tattooed and he gives me a lot of orgasms…”
“Well, alright then.” She laughs. “Good for you. What’s the problem then?”
“The problem is, this is supposed to just be a fling. Sex buddies. Friends with benefits, if you will. Just for the summer while he’s here to help me with the wedding … and then gone.Poof.“ I wave my hand in the air. “But today, he may have sort of mentioned that we could extend our little agreement past the summer.”
“Oh,” she drawls, her smile growing. “Now I see.”
“See what?”
“You’re falling for him.”
“No. No, no.” I laugh. “We’ve only been doing this for like three weeks, and it wasmyidea to keep it sans feelings. I am a strong, independent, grown ass woman, Tiff. I willnotbe falling for Noah Harding.”
“Oh, okay, sure babe.” She clicks her tongue. “So, Noah is the problem then? He’s hooked on you but you aren’t hooked on him?”
“I don’t—He’s not—Tiffany, listen to me. This is a problem. Why in the hell would he want to continue being friends with benefits for the foreseeable future? How do that even work? Do we just meet up whenever one of us has time? And then what happens when one of us meets another person? Are we exclusive? Why would he ask me to do that?”
“Okay, you need to take a breath, girl. I get that he hurt you all those years ago, but you don’t know why he freaked. I mean, he had just popped the cherry of his best friend’s sister. Also, he apologized, and all that shit happened almost a decade ago. People grow older and grow up. You know, you’re completely dismissing the possibility that he feels more for you than he’s letting on.”
I start to interrupt her and put in my own two cents, but she isn’t having it. She holds up her hand to stop me.
“You are! You held a torch for him for years. Who’s to say he didn’t do the same for you and just used this little opportunity you gave him as a way to get closer to you?”
I just smile and roll my eyes. I don’t want to argue with her about it. And truth be told, if I really let myself be honest, the thought of him doing all of this because maybe he’s felt somewhat the same as I have …
“See?” she asks, finishing off her drink. “You’re thinking about it. I think you should just let whatever happens, happen. Keep screwing him, obviously. Because one of us needs to get laid. And just see where it goes.” She shrugs. “The worst that can happen is he really does only want this to last for the summer. And you move on. Like you said, you’re a big girl.”
I hum and lean back in my chair, nursing my drink while admiring the view of the ocean.
“Just let what happens, happen,” I say out loud, mostly to myself.
She orders two more drinks when the waiter comes over to check on us, and once they arrive, she’s in full-on gossip mode.
“Go on, then.” She smirks at me, settling in. “Spill the details. Tell me all about all the naughty things you two have been getting up to. God knows I need some excitement in my life.”
She’s late.
I’m not trying to be that guy. I’m definitelynotthat guy. I know that we are not together, and I know that she can take care of herself. But she said she was just going out for dinner and drinks with her friend, Tiffany. And it’s not like this little rinky dink island has any restaurants that stay open this late. So she’s either dead on the side of the road or she’s drunk in a bar somewhere.
I really don’t like the idea of either.
If she’s in a bar, I know there will be guys that hit on her. And that stirs something inside of me that I didn’t expect to be there. But after the time I’ve been spending with her lately that casual attraction I’ve always had for her has grown into something a bit stronger. I even tried to broach the subject today when we were at the record store, but judging by the look on her face, she would not have been down to have that conversation.
Even the thought of extending our little deal for longer than the summer seemed to put her off.
And now it’s two in the morning, and I can’t sleep because all I can think about is her. So I decide to play the friendly roommate card and shoot her a text, asking her if she’s okay or if she needs a designated driver to come pick her up.
Millie:The bartender said he’ll drive me home.
I laugh out loud, it’s just one loud crack of a sarcastic laugh. Because there is no way in hell I’m letting some dude tempt her to stay at his place instead of hers. And there is definitely not a chance of me letting her bring him back here.
We have a deal. I do not share.
Me:What bar are you at??
Millie:Lol jealous Noah?