Page 26 of My Summer Fling

I scoff.

Me:Millie. Tell me what fucking bar you are at.

Millie:Calm down, caveman. I’m just down the road at Rum Runners. I’ll be home in a bit. Go to sleep.

I don’t even bother texting back because I already have one foot out the door. It takes me just a few minutes to get to the bar, and I damn near run inside to look for her. But she isn’t hard to miss once I step inside.

Because she’s dancing in the middle of the floor, surrounded by too many men. Her head is thrown back, and her smile is lighting up the whole goddamn room while she moves her hips to the music. If circumstances were different and she weren’t surrounded by men I wanted to strangle, I’d wish I had my camera.

She looks beautiful in the low light, lost in the music with her eyes closed and her tight jeans showing off those curves I’ve become so addicted to. Fuck, I want her for myself. For so much longer than what we have. She’s mine. I can feel it in my bones that she’s supposed to be with me.

I’m starting not to care so much that her brother will probably kill me. Surely Teddy would understand if I just explained it. I know I don’t have the best reputation when it comes to women. And he knows all about it because he’s the one I would run to when I wanted to brag about my conquests. But I could change for her. Iwouldchange for her. I would make it work.

I take a deep breath, trying to cool my temper as I push through the crowd to get to her. I’ve already been kicked out of one place on this island, I’d like to not completely ruin my reputation by knocking out everyone that has touched her tonight.

Her eyes are still shut as I move up next to her, giving all the guys around her a look that makes them clear out immediately. I don’t see any girl in the mix, so I’m assuming Tiffany left or she’s off doing her own thing.

I slowly wrap my arms around her waist and pull her back into my body. She comes easily, the alcohol making her body pliant against my own. She smells like her normal sweet self with a hint of sweat, and her skin is so, so warm.

“Millie,” I say low into her ear.

“Oh, it’s you,” she sings, opening her bright blue eyes. She looks up at me and presses more of herself back into me. A lot of my anger fades away when I see how happy she is that I’m here. She may be denying what’s between us to herself and to me—denying that this is more than just a physical connection—but her body betrays her in the way it relaxes when I’m around her.

“It’s me, precious girl.” I kiss her hair, then her temple, and then her cheek. She turns her head to meet my lips with her own, and she kisses me long and slow, forgetting her rule about not making out in public.

“You taste like tequila.”

“I’ve had a lot of tequila,” she confirms as she laughs and kisses me one last time.

“Where’s Tiffany?”

“She left a few minutes ago. She told me you would be here to get me soon after what I texted you.” When she giggles, a hiccough escapes her. “Guess she was right about you.” She turns around in my arms, and her hands run up my back under my shirt.

“What did she say about me exactly?” I run my hands through her hair and pull it up off her neck to help cool her off. Her face is flushed from the heat and the alcohol, and I’m worried she’s going to end up getting sick before I can get her home.

“That you were hooked!” she exclaims, laughing as she spins away from me.

I grab her arm and pull her back. She comes flying back into my body, and the collision makes her stumble, but I have her.

“Do you have a tab that needs to be closed out?”

“Tiff got it,” she mumbles against my neck before she very obviously breathes me in.

“I hope I smell good,” I say as I carry her out of the bar. “That was quite the inhale.”

She’s quiet while we walk across the parking lot and over to my truck. I assume she’s fallen asleep, but as I open the door to sit her in the passenger seat, she lifts her head.

“You always smell good. I think maybe I’m a little hooked on you, too.”

Setting her down in the truck, I buckle her in and kiss her on the cheek.

“I’m hooked on you, too, Spitfire. Now how about we get you home?”

* * *

Once I get her home,I get her in the shower and then into some comfy pajamas. She eagerly drinks down a glass of water with some Advil. She smiles at me when I tuck her into bed.

“Stay in here. You’re just going to try and sneak in later anyway.”