Page 31 of Tangled Lies

He still couldn’t believe both her father and D had agreed she could come. No matter how much he put his foot down, she used her good loving’ to make him reconsider.

Neither of them should be on this trip. Neither should her father or D, although he had no real sway over either of them. Allowing them to come was his gesture to show that he would be different. These two men had earned his respect in very different ways, but they both loved Camille almost as much as he did. For that alone, he knew he couldn’t leave them out.

Camille wanted revenge. Not only for Marco coming after her but for what he’d done to Shandra. She wanted her pound of flesh, and he would let her have it.

Pulling up to the warehouse, he saw the other vehicles parked outside. Calling Conall O’Shea, he waited until the man picked up on the other side. Once the particulars were lined up, he watched as O’Shea and his men exited the building. Giving a two-finger salute, the man jumped in a large black SUV and pulled off.

Their gift was inside.

Climbing out, he walked to the passenger door, blocking Camille inside. She rolled down the window and crossed her arms over her chest. Everyone else was outside the vehicle and trying not to listen in.

“Camille, if only you’d listen to me—”

“Tristan. I love you, and I will be your wife one day soon. I know you want to protect me. I know you need me to be safe. But how much safer can I be than with all of you around me.”


“No, Tristan. I need this. Once we get married, I will be the perfect wife. I’ll only curse in private. I won’t shoot my guns where people can see them. How about this? I’ll even stop wearing work boots and jeans every day. That must make you feel good, right?” She smiled cheekily, wagging her eyebrows up and down.”

Sighing, he looked to the side for a moment before turning his gaze back to her. “I could lock you in here until we’re done. The last time I let my guard down--,” his voice trailed off. He sighed deeply, “Baby, I give you too much leeway. This time, I cannot. You must stay inside the vehicle.”

“Tristan. You and I both know I can handle myself. My father kept a lot of secrets from me, but what he did do, was train me well. I want the first bullet in his brain to be from my weapon. I need him to see that I was his judge, jury, and executioner.”

Tristan couldn’t help but smile as he moved back from the door. The Death Bringer had finally met his match, and she was a force to be reckoned with.

“Your engagement gift,Donna.”

“You’ll get yours tonight when we get home,Don Tristan.”

Damn, that sounded good coming from her lips. Walking up to the group of men, he led them to the door the Irishmen exited.

“Time for a new era.” Looking down at his future wife, he knew she’d be aDonnaunlike any other, and he was damn proud that she belonged only to him.


One-Year Later…

Camille rubbed her belly as their son gave her a swift kick, then pinched her. She couldn’t wait until the little hellion… um, the little angel was born. Not that she’d pay him back for his torture, but at least she could run away after she handed him to his father. Or the numerous uncles that always seemed to be hanging around lately.

Looking over at the group gathered for her goddaughter’s birthday, she smiled at all the kids milling around. Leo was hovering, as he usually did these days, to make sure Amina didn’t get even a speck of dirt on her pretty blue dress. She’d never thought he and Shandra would have gotten to this point. It had been touch and go for a moment, but that’s a story best told another day.

“Hiding out?” Her husband’s deep voice caressed her skin as he walked up behind her. Wrapping his arms around her body, he cradled her belly as they stood watching everyone enjoy themselves.

“No. I had to go to the bathroom. Again. Now your son wants to devour the tortillas and salsa, but I’m staying strong.”

Leaning back, she rested her head on Tristan’s muscular chest. She couldn’t have hoped for a better husband. He was attentive, kept the dark side of business away from home, and still worked to increase the family’s legitimate business activities. He’d kept his promise to her, and she loved him even more for it.

“My son’s just hungry, Camille.”

“He might be. He’s mean as hell, too. He kicked me again. Little devil.”

“I know you may want it to be a family tradition, but I want our son to have a normal nickname. Not one like his parents.”

She knew he was serious, but she was also a realist. “Um, honey, have you met this kid’s parents yet?”

Laughing at her statement, he shook his head. “I think your parents and my aunt and uncle are leaving for Greece in three days, right?”

“Yes, I’m going to miss them. But they promised all four of them will be back in two months. Plenty of time for the birth of this little one. I’m glad my dad and your uncle have each other. I think they both missed it over the years.”