Page 30 of Tangled Lies

“How did you know?”

Shrugging her shoulders, she dipped her head, then lifted her gaze to look around the large private room.

He looked around as well. Everyone was in their own world. Shandra’s mother sat next to her bed reading a book. Leo was on the other side of the bed. His green eyes focused intently on Shandra’s face. D wasn’t in the room at the moment, but he’d seem him outside talking on the phone.

“Did your mother stop by yet?”

She shook her head, “Not yet. She’s planning to arrive sometime after two. Shandra’s mother has to pick up Amina from daycare. She’s gonna bring her here for a few minutes before taking her home.” Tears welled in Camille’s eyes.

Tristan placed one finger under her chin to turn her face in his direction. “I will fix this. He will atone for this. Just have faith in me to make this right for you, and for Shandra.”

“This is just so hard. I knew something like this was a possibility to me, but not to my friends. I wasn’t thinking straight. I should have thought this through.”

It sounded a lot like she was beginning to regret their time together. “Walk with me?” Grabbing her hand, he pulled her behind him until they exited the patient room area. He headed for the room that had been designated for him, and his “guests” while Shandra was here.

Once inside and the doors were closed, he grabbed her face softly in both palms. “Do you regret us?”

Shaking her head, she stood on her toes to get closer to eye-level with him. “Never. I just feel so helpless. I should be out there doing something. Sitting here in the hospital feels like I’ve just given up. Allowed him to win. I can’t do that.”

Tristan knew his stubborn woman was going to try something like this. “No, Camille. I need to know you’re safe, and you need to know that your friend is recovering. The best way to do that is for you to be here. Behind these hospital doors.”

A flash sparked in her eyes, and he knew her fight had come back. “I will not sit in the background like some weak ass female. I mean, you heard the conversation yesterday. If nothing else, I’m my father’s daughter. Which is still going to take some time for me to come to grips with. I mean, my father has a fucking army behind him. I wish I’d known that when that shit went down with Shandra.”

“What shit went down with Shandra?” This was the second time he’d heard something like this from her. He’d have to figure out the secret they were keeping from him.

“Nothing. It was nothing. Anyway,” Camille said, changing the subject, “I don’t want you to think I regret meeting you. Or our relationship. I just need to adjust my thinking.”

“You’re mine, Camille. Don’t try to leave me,” he ordered, pleaded, begged. He didn’t care how he sounded, as long as she knew he meant every word. “I need you in my life. You calm my soul. You make me want to live.” He began pressing kisses all over her face as he backed her up against the wall.

“And you’re mine right back. But what now?”

He began undoing her pants as their lips stayed connected.

“Engagement. A short one. Wedding. A huge one. Children. Lots of them. I want our boys to have friends within their own home. Siblings that will protect each other as fiercely as you, Shandra and D protect each other.”

“Well, if it’s anything to go by, the way Leo looks at Shandra, our kids may have some cousins near their age.”

Tristan stopped his motions and looked down at her. “Sweetheart, did you just agree to marry me?”

Tilting her head, she smiled at him before nipping his chin with her teeth. “Did you expect any other answer?”

“Hell, with you, I never know what I’m going to get. Plus, I would have kept you in this room, fucking this sweet pussy until you gave in.” He pushed her pants down her legs. As soon as the material was fully removed, he cupped her pussy in his hand. “This fat, juicy pussy is all mine. You know that, right? It’s been mine since the first day I saw you.”

Her head tilted back against the wall as he used one finger to penetrate her. A low moan escaped her mouth as he increased the rhythm. He could feel her liquids begin to flow. He needed a taste but knew that would have to come later. His baby was a screamer, and he didn’t need any hospital staff rushing in here.

“Now that I’ve said yes, can I still have your dick inside me?”

“Baby, you can have it every fucking day, and twice on Saturday.” Removing his finger from her hot channel, he licked the juices from his digit before sealing his lips to hers. Giving her a taste of her essence. Undoing his own pants, they fell to his ankles freeing his member. It stood up red, angry, and seeking his woman.

Hoisting her legs over the crook of his arms, he positioned his cock to her entrance. “Hold on baby. This is gonna be a bumpy ride.”


Two days later, Tristan, Raymond Sperry, and Dwayne made their way to Boston. Orlando and Franco were with him. Leo was at the hospital with Shandra and her mom. Since he was a physician, Tristan convinced him it was best to stay with Shandra.

Really, he simply wanted him to have plausible deniability. Leo didn’t know they intentionally left him out of some things. Plus, with how Leo was beginning to look at Shandra when he thought no one was paying attention, he knew his friend would soon slip into that dark space he visited when he needed to. Vengeance could be a motivating factor for some. Right now, Tristan just wanted his friend to enjoy whatever was building between him and Camille’s friend.

Oh, and where was Camille? The love of his life, his light in the dark, and his beacon when he needed to find his way home again? Yeah, well, her stubborn ass was sitting in the front seat of the truck trying to ignore him.