Guilt seeped into me. “I haven’t found him one yet.”

She whistled. “Lincoln, what’s Zegas’s number? I know you have it on speed dial.”

“Have you come to your senses about prosecuting Davenport?” he asked, his arm wrapped tight around Lexie.

“We’ll get to him, but right now Cal’s brother is in trouble.”

“Who?” Teague asked. “I heard some stuff about Joe but wasn’t sure if it was true.”

“What did you hear?” I frowned. Teague and I hadn’t exactly been on speaking terms lately, but I expected him to set all that aside when it came to important things. There were a million rumors about Joe going around. I thought Teague wouldn’t participate in gossip, especially about my family.

“That he beat the shit out of Stanis. And rightly so.”

“Anything else I need to know about?” I had my hackles up. We’d been friends for a long time, but I was out of sorts. Everything was upside down.

“That’s it.” Teague folded his arms. “Now that we’re all cozy, why don’t you start telling me about you and my sister?”

“It’s none of our business,” Pepper said quietly, even as she laced her fingers though his.


“A grown woman who knows when she needs us,” she finished for him.

He clamped his mouth shut.

“If you want an apology from me, you aren’t gonna get it.” I had nothing to be sorry for. Maybe we shouldn’t have snuck around. And maybe I had broken some sort of bro code I didn’t know about. But Pepper was right. Me and Beau . . . we were our own business.

“Considering you’re really related now, you two had better patch things up.”

Everyone but me looked incredulously at Lincoln.

“What?” he asked. “It’s true.”

“Where did you pick up that phrase? Patch things up?” Lexie asked.

I was lost. The guy seemed formal, but it was common enough language that most people probably knew it.

He shrugged. “Probably from one of you.”

“What do you mean really related?” Teague narrowed his gaze at his brother.

“Shall I rip the Band-Aid off?” Lincoln asked, looking at Beau.

She straightened. “Cal and I got married this morning.

An collective gasp filled the room.

Teague bolted from where he leaned against a chair. Pepper tried to catch his arm but was too late.

“What did you say?” He stalked toward us.

I had the urge to put Beau behind me, though he’d never hurt her and she was more than capable of taking up for both of us.

She rolled her eyes. “You heard me.” She put a hand on his chest. “Would you prefer I marry Alex?” she asked sweetly.

“No, but you shouldn’t be with him either.”

“He just saved my ass. How about a little gratitude?”