She took up for me.

Teague looked as startled as I felt.

“He’s not good enough for you.” He scowled. “Nobody is.”

His words were like a punch to the stomach, confirmation of what I’d known all along. I wasn’t good enough for her. Never had been.

Somewhere the hope I hadn’t realized I’d been holding on to, the hope that maybe I was, burst into oblivion.

“I’m keeping her from marrying that woman beater,” I said darkly. “That’s it.”

Beau flinched.

Teague seemed somewhat satisfied. “That better be it.”

“Woman beater?” Lexie rushed over. “Did he hit you?” Her gaze roved over Beau, looking for any indication. The moment she saw the bruises along Beau’s jaw, she stepped back, horror on her features.

“I’m okay.” Beau pulled her friend in for a hug.

“You can talk to me,” Lexie said in her ear. “I know things have been crazy for all of us, but don’t forget you have people who love you.” She let go and her gaze zeroed in on me. “I don’t know what kind of relationship you two have, but whatever it is, you better respect Beau.”

I shuddered a little. That woman was more frightening than the threat of a punch from Teague.

“I do.”

Lincoln held up his phone. “I’ll call Zegas. You can fill him in on the pertinent details.”

I guessed the threats were over, much to my relief.

He dialed before I could protest. I’d heard of that Zegas guy. He was notorious for getting criminals off the hook. And he probably cost a fortune. How the hell was I going to find the coin for that as well? I could only hope for a deferred payment setup. And then I looked at Teague and bristled again at the anger in his eyes.You’d once been like a brother to me.

“I don’t like that you were sneaking around behind my back with my sister,” Teague said where only I could hear.

“You’ve made that clear.”

“But you’re separating when we’re sure it’s safe for her?”

My nostrils flared. “I’m doing what she tells me.”

While I wanted her to be free to return to normal life as soon as possible, part of me wanted her to need to stay married to me for an extended period. Probably was best I didn’t let Teague in on that.

“Keep your hands off her.”

“Should’ve told that Davenport ass that,” I returned coolly.

“If I’d known anything about him, I would have.”

“I plan to pay him a visit as soon as we figure out what angle we’re playing. I’ll let you know when.” I might’ve married Beau without his blessing, but I could let him and Lincoln come with me to teach that scum to never lay his hands on a woman again. If it were up to me, the bastard wouldn’t have a choice because I’d like to break his fingers off one by one.

“I’ll be there.”

“If you wanna move past all the bullshit, I’m game.” I shoved my hands in my pockets.

Lincoln extended the phone. “Here’s Zegas.”

Chapter Ten
