“I’ll get them after we collect my things,” she said almost breathlessly.

“I have some items for the two of you as well.”

The woman had been gone for a very long time. Why was he just now giving their children pieces of what was hers?

Even Teague’s angry stance relaxed the slightest fraction. I got it. If Ma said she had something of Pop’s to give me, I’d knock down walls to get to whatever it was.

I’d always thought nothing could take away the memories. But I’d been wrong.

Time could.

I couldn’t remember some of the little everyday things about Pop, no matter how I tried. And I was desperate to hold on to everything. Every meal. Every moment spent together at the station. Each time he’d carved out to spend just with me.

But time was the ultimate thief.

I imagined it was that much worse for Teague and Lincoln. They’d been young when their mom died and didn’t have as many memories. If they lost those, it was like she’d be permanently gone.

“Come to my study.” He softened his features. “My dear, join us when you’ve finished packing.”

And what was I supposed to do? I hated I’d looked for any direction from this man, but I better understood the dynamic after spending such a short while with them.

It was almost like the man held some sort of power. I hadn’t figured out why all of them didn’t tell him to take a hike, but now it made more sense.

And no one ever truly wanted to sever a relationship with their only remaining parent. I’d guess that was worse when a person had already lost one.

Family was everything.

Thick and thin. Better or worse.

And Beau was part of mine now. I wouldn’t let her father use his mind tricks or manipulation on me.

Teague and Lincoln followed their father down the hall. I took a few steps behind Beau toward what I assumed was her bedroom. Discreetly, she shook her head.

We’re playing it normal.Whatever that was.

I made a face of displeasure, making my feelings clear, before I moved to the wall on the opposite side of the hall. I leaned against it between two portraits with my arms folded.

And then her door slammed.

Chapter Eighteen


A hand covered my mouth.

My scream was nothing more than a puff of air, absorbed by that hand and the thick walls of the bedroom. Pain raced up my jaw from the pressure.

He spun me, forcing my front into the door, and caging me against it.

“I’ve missed you, sweetheart.”

Alex’s breath hit my ear as his lips moved against the rim.


How had Father known I was coming? When I was coming? He’d set this up. Allowed this maniac in my space.

And I’d turned Cal away for the sake of looking normal.