Lincoln looked like a stone and Teague as if he was a ball of barely contained fury.

“Thank you for making this so easy. I’ve been ungrateful, and I see that now.”

I’d never ever seen this side of Beau. She was soft and demure. And I hoped like hell she was full of shit.

I loved her fire. Even at her most vulnerable, she sparked.

This was as if some other woman had invaded her body.

“I’m pleased to hear that, though time will tell.”

Her laughter tinkled in the hallway. “Don’t be silly, Daddy.”

“This is not a joking matter.”

She kissed his cheek. “Loosen up. Like when we went dress shopping. That was fun.”

The lines around the man’s eyes relaxed. “It was nice.”

“You promised I could stay with Teague. And since Alex and I will live here after the wedding, I’d like to do it now, please.”

No. No. No.

Beau should never have to act this way with anyone. Never have to ask permission to live her life. She was too bold. Too wild and free.

I opened my mouth to say as much, but she’d asked us to play along. I’d told her it was her show, and I meant it, even if I didn’t much care for this.

“I’ve had a long talk with Teague and Lincoln. They understand this is what I want and fully support my decision.” She lifted their joined hands. “I hope being back in New York, we can focus on our family again.” She glanced back at Teague with some sort of unspoken message.

“How does he factor into the equation?” Her father’s nostrils flared when he flicked his chin at me.

“He’s a friend of Teague’s who was kind enough to offer to help me get a few of my things.” She gave me a sweet smile.

I swallowed down the growl that rippled up my throat.

And all those things I was getting were going straight to our place. Where they belonged.

I froze.

The thought had come without hesitation. My apartment was a dump, but Beau had never once complained. She did belong there. She’d made herself at home. In a few days, she’d made the place a home.

“You won’t interfere in her future.”

Or I will screw your world up so fast you won’t see it coming.

That was what he didn’t say. But I had little doubt he’d make good on the undercurrent of his threat.


And that was a promise I could keep. Because I would never do anything to keep Beau from having everything she wanted and then some.

“Very well.” He focused on his daughter again. “I have some things your mother wanted to be yours. They’re in my study.”

There was a slight hitch to the rise and fall of her chest. And though I couldn’t see but one side of her face, I recognized the hunger.

This man was a cruel bastard.

He knew her weakness. Knew she was starved for anything having to do with her mother.