“What are you talking about?” He paced in front of the stove.

“If you tell me you don’t know a Randall Hedley, it’ll make my life a lot easier, but that tape sounds a hell of a lot like your voice.”

“Tape?” He stopped and looked at me for answers. I shrugged helplessly.

“It’s all over the celebrity gossip sites. You threatened him that if he comes back to Burdett—”

“I didn’t threaten his sorry ass!” he exploded, his cheeks turning a deep red.

“Did you speak with him on the phone?” Zegas continued calmly as if Stone’s outburst hadn’t occurred.

“Yeah. Last night.”

“Did he call you?”

“No. I called him.” He deflated against the counter.

“Where were you when this conversation took place?”

“What difference does that make?”

Zegas let out an exasperated sigh. “Because if you were in a state that requires two-party consent to record a phone call, it makes a fuck-ton of difference.”

I grimaced.

“In New York. I assume he was in Texas.”

“Don’t assume anything,” he said sharply. “I’ve already filed a cease and desist, but once this shit is out there, it’s impossible to get it back.”

“This is the last thing I need.” Stone looked defeated. So far, there was no good news in this conversation.

“Doesn’t matter now,” Zegas continued. ”You’ve got it. Where can we meet?”

Stone silently asked if it was okay for his attorney to come to my apartment. I nodded. “You can come to Muriella’s.”

“Be there in a half hour.”

Chapter Twenty-Five


Five seconds into the recording,I shut it off.

“It’s been spliced. He left out some of what I said and pretty much everything he did.”

Zegas made a note on a legal pad. “I want to go through exactly where, and then I want you to tell me everything you know about this guy.”

The theme song fromDallasplayed. The film’s producer and the president of the studio had already called. Headlines concerning me were never unsavory.

“It’s the ranch.” I swiped to answer.

“Stone? I’m sorry to bother you, honey, but there’s a lot of fuss at the gate.” Mama’s voice was calm, yet wary. “It’s been a long time since we had this many visitors. I thought I’d better check on you.”

“Everything’s fine, Mama. I’ll get some extra security.”

Muriella held up her phone and moved toward the living room, already on it.

“Ruby’s bound and determined to do it herself. She caught one jumping the fence. I didn’t ask what happened after that.”