I fought a smile. Leave it to my grandmama to make me feel better in the middle of chaos.

“I’ll make sure they get there quick.” I switched the phone from one ear to the other. “Everybody’s home?”

“We’re all here. Gabby’s basketball practice finished up early, so they got back before the circus came to town.”

“I’m sorry for the nuisance.”

“As long as my baby’s happy pursing his dream, it’s okay.”

I swallowed back the guilt for all of my lies. “I’ll talk to you tomorrow. Call me if you need anything.”

“I will.”

I tossed the phone on the kitchen table. “The wolves have descended.”

Zegas leaned back in his chair and tapped the end of his pen on the notepad. “You know how fucking lucky we’ve been in that respect over the years. It’s a wonder it’s not like that all the time there.”

“Why the hell did it never occur to me until this minute to get a house in L.A. to keep them away from the ranch?” I looked away in disgust.

“Because the tax break you get by being a Texas resident is worth it. And you’ve been pretty good at avoiding this shit, especially given the bounty on a photograph of you.” He slid his glasses back on. “What do you know about Randall Hedley?”

“He’s a pain in my ass,” I grumbled unhelpfully.

He gave me an unimpressed look.

I got some glasses and filled them with the whiskey my brother always sent to commemorate the start of a new film. It was going to be that kind of night.

Zegas took a long sip. “This is good bourbon.”

“It’s Balcones Single Malt Whiskey. Straight out of Texas,” I said proudly, like I’d had a hand in making it. “You figured out the connection between his company and Texas Power?”

“Over the summer, Hedley spent a weekend on a lake with some of the executives from the power company.”

I leaned forward. “Is that right?”

“I’m digging into those relationships. For now, that’s all I’ve got. I’ll let you know when my guy comes up with something concrete.”

I gulped down a long swallow of whiskey. “Your guy the same as Daniel’s?”

“Sometimes. In this case we split the difference. Since this is time sensitive, we’ve got our two best on it.” He gathered his notepad and shoved it in his briefcase. “I’ve filed a motion to request to delay the hearing on the grounds the proposed project isn’t scheduled for three more years. Might work. Might not.”

“Can you practice law in Texas?” I rested my forearms on the smooth wood of the table.

“When my best client lives there, hell yes I can.”

“I should be your best client given how much money I’ve paid you over the years.”

“And you’ve kept my wife a happy woman and therefore off my ass so I can do whatever the fuck I want to.”

My chair scraped on the floor as I stood. “Do I need to get Mulaney in on this? She’s a big shot in Houston. Knows some of your kind.”

The look he fired my direction was disintegrating. “I just upped your fee for that.”

I gripped his shoulder as he picked up his case. “We can’t lose that ranch.”

“Jacobs, I thought you knew by now. I don’t lose.”

I leanedagainst the door after I saw my lawyer out.