“I’m fine. Just go,” I said, forcing calm into my tone.
“I’ll get you out.” She bolted from the scene.
Relief coursed through me. She’d be fine.
It had been a long time since I’d seen the inside of a jail cell, but I could handle it for a few hours.
I complied with the officer as he shielded my head while I ducked into the back of the car.
“You’re...” I pointed to his forehead. “You have a cut.”
He touched his head. Blood dyed his fingertips.
“I have an alcohol wipe in my purse if you need it.”
He blinked at me as if he were seeing things. I supposed most people he arrested weren’t happy about it.
“Thanks,” he said, shaking his head. “I’ve got a first aid kit in the glove box.”
* * *
I can’t believeI’m in jail.
I clutched the bars, unable to sit. Penelope had a good head on her shoulders, but a part of me still worried. That was only natural though.
The arresting officer had been kind to me. For a brief moment, I thought he was going to let me go. But he hadn’t.
It couldn’t have been more than an hour since I’d been locked in here, but it felt like days.
For a lot of people who did what I did, being arrested was a badge of honor. It showed they were willing to do anything for what they believed in.
In this case, it had all been a misunderstanding, especially since I’d only been part of the rally for five minutes.
The last jail I’d been in was in Wyoming twenty-three years ago where I’d been protesting the unlawful killing of buffalo. That jail was literally like one in an old western. They’d left the door open, and the sheriff’s wife had cooked dinner for me.
This... was not the same. It smelled weird. And I was a little afraid to sit. One woman was talking to herself about a spaceship. My heart hurt for her. How could I help her?
“I see you finally decided to get yourself in trouble in my jurisdiction.”
I jerked my head up.
Standing on the opposite side of the bars, hands in his pockets with that cocky smirk, stood the last person I wanted to see.
Kane Zegas.
“What are you doing here?”
She followed me through the bowels of the Midtown North Precinct.
“The correct thing to say is thank you, Kane. I’m so grateful to you, Kane. How did you get me out of that hellhole so fast, Kane?”
She growled. “Howdidyou know I was arrested?”
“I saw it on the internet. There you were in cuffs.” And I’d been on the phone and out of my office before I even thought it through.