Apparently, the place was magnetic to the Cunninghams.

“No justice, no peace. No justice, no peace.”

Shouts in the distance signaled we were close to the demonstration. There was a small crowd gathered at the entrance to the park. Some held signs. They all shouted at the police, who were lined up like a barrier in front of them.

A prickle of excitement raced through me. I loved these events. It reminded me of the decency of the human race. That we were willing to fight for one another. Sometimes that was easy to forget.

“Just be careful and stay out of trouble.”

But Penelope was already chanting, right in the face of the police.

She was passionate. And she’d learned by my example. Sometimes my enthusiasm had overtaken me. But I had more control over my emotions than she did.

I knew when to push and when to pull back. She had one speed. Full steam ahead.

I joined her, discreetly trying to edge her back toward the group. I managed to put some space between my daughter and the officers.

I didn’t want trouble. This was about drawing attention to a larger issue. And I was already doing the math in my head.

I could convince the new owners of the property to sell. Then our foundation could build not just a shelter for these homeless, but permanent residences.

It would be expensive. I wasn’t sure we had enough. Thanks to Kane Zegas making me realize the importance of fundraising at a Labor Day party in the Hamptons so many years ago, I’d become quite good at it.

Not to mention I could throw in some of my own money.

The chants shifted to “Let them stay. Let them stay.”

I joined in alongside my daughter. This was what we’d done together since she was born. Once I had her, I’d never been alone again.

Time had gone by so quickly.Look at her.

Pride filled me. This protest was just the first step. When it was over, she’d work until she found a solution to this problem.

The crowd grew in size. As we chanted, it moved like a wave. We would help these people. They wouldn’t have to suffer any longer. Together with my daughter, we’d make certain of it.

My voice became louder. Stronger.

Suddenly I was jolted forward... into an officer.

Chaos ensued. Shouts and fists flew.No. Violence was never the way.

I lost sight of Penelope. Everything was a blur as I was shoved again into a shield.

Pain lanced through my arm as I was jerked back. Roughly, my hands were cuffed behind my back. “You’re under arrest for disturbing the peace.”

Penelope. Where is Penelope?

I was wrenched toward a squad car, away from the chaos.

“Mom!” Penelope raced toward me.

“Go!” I cried desperately.

She kept running.

“Go!” I shouted again.

She looked torn between wanting to help me and doing as I said. I loved her so much.