Page 113 of Finding Victory

“What does this mean exactly?” Jim lays a supportive hand on her shoulder. “What do we have to do?”

She shrugs. “My lawyer said that I’ve got to testify. They’ll look at my medical records and stuff. They’ll ask a billion questions, then they’ll be sentenced.”

“Kit?” Izzy steps into the room with a pale face. “I just got a phone call. Are you okay?”

Kit turns fast. Mama bear is ready to strike. “Why’d you get a call?”

Iz was a victim that night, too. She was knocked unconscious and left to die in the snow. Of course she’s been called up.

“I have to testify, same as you.”

Forgetting Kit, Jim steps toward Iz. “But you can’t. The baby…”

Iz lays a soft hand on her belly. “I don’t really have a choice, Jim. Pretty sure it’s the law; if I’m called up, I have to go. But don’t worry so much. I feel fine. I’m still only seven months. Plenty of time.”

“But November makes you eight months. That’s too close.”

Aiden steps through the ropes and claps my shoulder. “Let’s go home.” It’s amazing that only minutes ago, I was pissed at him because I couldn’t get the lock. “It’s already past five, we’ll call it a day. We’ll meet at Bobby’s place and talk it out. Then we’ll start again fresh tomorrow.”

Iz turns away from Jim’s scowl. “I’ll go get the other guys. Meet you at your place.”

“Alright. Let’s go home.” I throw my sweaty arm around Kit’s shoulders and pull her in close. I should feel bad for sweating up her fancy clothes, but I don’t. I want to hold her more than I want her clothes to remain mark free. I’ll just buy her more.

“I’m sorry I interrupted your training.” Kit’s big eyes peek through her lashes. “I didn’t want to. I know we’re so close to your fight… But I kinda promised I’d let you love me.”

“You did the right thing, babe. I was ready to rip Aiden a new asshole, anyway.”

Aiden scoffs and collects discarded gear from the floor. “Whatever, B. Not my fault you’re a pussy and can’t lock your little brother down.”

Jimmy rolls his eyes and shoves a soggy towel into his training bag. “Fuck, Aiden, it’s not like I’m three years old.”

“Exactly. He’s over six feet of fucking heavy.” I’m more than shocked that my baby brother is actually so grown. I swear hewasthree years old just yesterday.

“All muscle, B, all muscle.”

Kit snorts. “That’s not what I heard.”

His face pales, though of course we know she hasn’t heard anything. Jim has never brought a girl back home from 188. And no matter how ‘okay’ Iz and he are, I doubt it’d go down well if she had to sit through morning after awkwardness with a random chick.

Pregnant or not, broken hearted or not, Izzy would lay her out. Then I’d have to bail my pregnant sister out of jail.

“What the hell have you heard, Catherine?”

She snickers and leans into me. “Don’t use my full name like you can scold me, James. You don’t scare me.”

“Yeah, well. You scare me.”