Page 114 of Finding Victory



It’s Time

It’s fight day. I’ve made it. I’m not injured. I’m not missing. Nor am I in the hospital. Thathasto be a good omen.

I’m also not working today. I’m here for Bobby. For whatever he needs. Completely at his disposal and in plain sight, just so he doesn’t have to wonder and worry… Even though I haven’t actually seen him yet today.

He was out of the house before the sun, but I knew to expect that. He’s with his brothers – last minute prep and all that. The gym’s closed, and their entire clientele clutch tickets to the fight.

Bobby’s already at the arena, or will be soon anyway, and the girls and I, and Jack, will be driven there later – Bobby organized a car to drive us. He’s taking no chances, so I fully expect an armed Hummer to arrive at my curb soon enough.

We’ll leave my house at five. We’ll arrive about six. Jimmy fights at seven. Bobby fights right after that.

I think I’m genuinely more nervous than the guys. I mean, Bobby’s a little on edge, but if it were me, I’d be freaking the fuck out. He slept last night, which is already better than I managed. I can’t even say I’m tired. I’m so keyed up with nervous energy, I probably need to eat extra today to make up for the calories burned.

Silver lining – guilt free nacho’s while we watch the fight.

“Kit.” Casey sighs for the hundredth time. “Sit down. Please. You’re wearing me out.”

I turn with my thumbnail between my teeth. “I can’t stop, T. I’m so nervous.”

“Did you work out today?”

“Umm, why? B-i-t-c-h better not be calling me fat.”

“Woah up, tiger.” She laughs fearlessly. “I just meant, if you go for a run right now, you might be able to run some of that nervous energy off.” She turns away and murmurs, “Fatty.”

“Girls…” Tina scolds me when I attempt to kick Tink. She gives me the mom eyes and simultaneously styles Izzy’s hair. “Time to grow up.”

Izzy’s my opposite today. While I can’t stop moving, she’s silent and still. I don’t care that she and Jimmy aren’t together – no matter what has happened, or what will happen – they have love for each other. Whether it’s the love of family, brother and sister, or something less platonic, there’s love, and I know today’s as big a day for her as it is for me.

I just wish she were a little more outwardly anxious, like me.

Misery loves company, and all that.

“Evie, come here and protect me.” Tink scoops the cute toddler up and swings her around. “Kitty’s being mean to me.”

Evie’s sweet laughter rings through the room and helps soothe my nerves. “Naughty, Kitkat. Naughty, naughty. Sit against the wall.”

I stick my tongue out at the cheeky toddler. “I wish you guys could come tonight.” I turn to Tina. “Just put a dress on.”

She smiles softly. “You know I can’t. It’s illegal to leave my daughter home alone at two.”

“Bring her! She’s already adorable in her tiny Roller tank.”

She scoffs. “Do the guys know you stole from them?”

I roll my eyes. “I’m married to him. It’s not stealing. It’s like taking the last of the milk or juice. It’s my marital right.”

She laughs and moves to the next section of Iz’s hair. “Whatever, Ned Kelly. Not coming. Just let me make you guys beautiful, then text me all night.”

My hair and makeup are already complete, and I pace the room in a knee-length, racer-back black dress. Izzy sits in a stretchy maxi dress that lends a boho look as it clings to her belly and touches the floor.

Casey’s not yet dressed, since she’d rather chase Evie around and tease the rest of us, but her outfit and shoes are laid out nearby and she’s up next for hair and makeup.

Our driver is due to arrive in less than an hour, and I feel like the rest of our evening is riding an out of control train.