Page 107 of Finding Victory

He takes her arm and turns her away from us. Her eyes light up for only a moment when she thinks she won, then they turn stormy and she starts screaming like a damn banshee. “Yeah, you need to go.”

“Don’t fucking touch me!” She screams and works to tear her arm from his grip. Guests of the ball turn to watch the commotion, and looking at Aiden, my gut turns. Anyone who doesn’t know him would only see this big silent guy escorting her out. They’re not worried he’ll hurt her, because there’s no rage on his face. He’s completely impassive. But those of us who actually know him recognize the slightest tinge to his coloring. The embarrassed eyes. The ticking jaw. He meets up with security and let’s them help him, then I turn back to my group and groan.

A majority of the wait staff silently stand nearby, some with cellphones out and pointing at us. Motherfuckers. I want to take their phones and smash them into a million pieces.

Iz lets out a small sob and fights Casey’s hold. “Let me go!”

“Iz, no–”

She breaks free of Tink’s hands and pushes her way through the crowd, then Tink turns back to us. “What the fuck, Jim?”

“I didn’t, Tink. I wasn’t…” His face falls as Iz disappears from sight. “I didn’t. I told her no.”

Aiden slides back through the crowd without his date. “What the fuck was that about?”

“He didn’t do anything,” Kit jumps in. “She was hitting on him, but he wasn’t reciprocating. I listened to him tell her no.” She steps up to Aiden and looks up through her lashes the way Anja did, but it’s different. No guile, no trickery, just genuine eyes. “He told her no. She’s just never heard no before, because she sure as shit wasn’t listening.”

His pained eyes flick between hers for a moment. Then to Jim as he works through his hurt. “Okay, fine. We’re good.” He slaps Jim on the shoulder, then he turns back to Kit. “And thanks for having my back, baby girl.” He probably intended to awkwardly slap her shoulder too, but she moves in and wraps her arms around his waist and lays her head on his chest.

“Always. You know me; adrenaline junkie. I was bound to hit someone tonight.”

He snorts and presses a kiss to the top of her head. “You’re so gangster, Kitten.”

“I know. Me and Tink are the OG. Don’t fuck with us.”

He chuckles and releases her into my arms. Her heart races and her body shakes. She’s joking, but she’s still flying on the adrenaline.

I need to get her to bed. This place sucks.

“Alright.” Tink steps forward. “You kids have fun. I’ll go find Izzy.” She runs her hand across Jim’s shoulder. “I’ll explain you’re not a rat bastard.”

He drops his head back and groans. “Why does the universe hate me?”