Page 106 of Finding Victory

“Babe, what are you–”

“Shhh, hold on a sec.” I duck my head around the bend and practically snarl under my breath as Anja presses her extra full chest against his as she backs him up against the wall. Hands up in surrender, he works to shimmy away.

“But, you’re not withEz-zeee,right?”

“Um, Anja.” Jimmy tries to move, but she simply follows. “I’m sure you’re nice and all, but I’m unavailable.”

“I could show you a good time.” She smirks and looks to the ceiling. “Room 2443… We could go upstairs and enjoy the hell out of that suite.”

“No,” he grinds out. “I’m not interested. I’m not available.And, you’re here with my brother.”

“Oh, Aiden.” She waves him off dismissively. “He and I just met…”

“That fucking whore!” Kit explodes.

Jim and Anja look up at Kit’s words, and I swear to fucking God, Jim looks like he’s going to shit his pants when Kit storms toward them. “Kit. No, I didn’t… this isn’t…”

I rush forward and grab her arm when she’s barely a foot in front of Anja, but still, she grabs Anja and shoves her violently away from my little brother. “Get the hell off him, you filthy bitch.”

“What the hell is your problem?” Anja steps up in challenge.

What the fuck am I gonna do about this? I’m not scared for Kit. I’ve seen her fight before. She can fight. Anja, who looks like she weighs eighty pounds soaking wet, cannot. But Iamconcerned about her laying Anja out and regretting it later. Or being slapped with lawsuits.

“How dare you come here tonight with Aiden, but as soon as he looks away, you’re dry humping his brother. What the fuck is the matter with you?”

“He’s a free agent.” She turns to him.Dare. Challenge.“He told me so.”

“No! I mean…” He stammers with fear. “That’s not… I said Iz and I aren’t together.”

“I don’t care if he’s wind milling his dick in front of you, you came here with Aiden. You don’t leave with his brother.” Kit tries to yank her arms from my hold. “But don’t worry, I’m relieving you of your duties.” She points off to the distance. “Get the fuck out.”

I assume she means to point to the front entrance, but her inner GPS is so flawed, she’s actually pointing in completely the wrong direction. But there’s not a snowball’s chance in hell I bring that up right now.

“I’m not leaving.” Anja steps forward to go toe-to-toe with my wife. “I was invited here tonight, I’m staying.”

“Kit?” Aiden runs into the hallway and stops on a dime. “What the hell are you doing?” He stares between the girls and pales, then making it worse, the rest of my family step up behind him. Jon holds a raging Jack back; though I don’t know if Jack’s pissed at Anja for stepping up, or at me for holding Kit down. Tink looks on curiously and holds a pale Izzy’s hand.

Aiden’s face contorts with rage as she snaps her arm from Jim’s hold. She steps forward and slides under his arm as though she needs protection. “That bitch just started going crazy at me, Aiden. She hurt me.”

Oh fuck no. No chance in hell is he buying what she’s selling and choosing her over Kit.

I’ll lay him out myself.

That’s my wife. His sister. Family wins, pussy be damned.

“I didn’t hurt her nearly as much as I want to,” Kit snaps. “She jumped on the Kincaid fame train, and your little brother was just offered the deal of a lifetime. You can do better than her. Have security escort her out like the trash she is.”

Aiden’s eyes shutter. He rarely ever dates, then when he finally asks someone to a function, she decides to hop brothers. Fucking bitch.

Anja moves forward until Aiden’s hands yank her back. “Fuck you, slut! You can’t make me leave.”

“Hey!” Jack snaps loudly. “Watch your fuckin’ mouth!”

Kit turns to Anja calmly. Her calm, the opposite to everyone else’s feral rage. “Yes. Icanmake you leave.” She turns to me and smiles. “This function is for my husband,” then to Jim, “and my brother. I win. Now get out before you embarrass yourself further. Don’t contact my family again, because if I find out you do, I’ll rip your fucking throat out.”

My wife is scary when she can deliver a threat so calmly.

“Aiden?” Anja gazes up at him through her lashes. “You won’t let them speak to me that way, will you? I’m your guest.”