Chapter Twenty: Hope and Love Win


Riding back into Holbeck with a bunch of army retirees was like an action scene fresh out of a movie. Bear coming to rescue me in Cutover blew my mind. He understood me; he knew what I was feeling inside. He’d lost a loved one, we were one and the same. Bear was like home to me. We rode back to his place and his friends lined up behind him as I got off the bike feeling a bit self conscious. I wasn’t exactly looking my best. I pretty much resembled the runaway that I was.

As Bear unloaded my stuff from his saddlebag, one of his army friends approached me. He was a little taller than Bear with a mischievous smile. “Hey, I’m Keys, it’s nice to meet you. I’m glad you’re back here with Bear and I’m sorry we had to meet like this. Holbeck is the safest place to be and you got the goods with this guy.” He looked at Bear fondly.

Bear’s broad smile warmed me up as Keys clapped him on the back.

My handshake was as limp as I was feeling. “Nice to meet you, Keys, and I’m sorry I messed up your ride with Bear. Nobody was supposed to find me.” A wash of guilt went through me.

Bear stopped me from the rest of my pity party. “The guys were pretty pumped to be out on the road and it gave them an excuse to speed. Don’t worry we got plenty of time to hang out,” Bear claimed as his customary grin came over his face.

“That’s right. I’m Roller by the way, pleasure to meet you.” A handsome man with short, cropped hair and a smile to rival Bear’s shook my hand. “Right now, it’s time for some food, so I think we should head down to the wharf. It’ll give you guys some time together.

Bear massaged my shoulder as I followed him inside. All I wanted to do was lie down and rest.

Bear didn’t utter a word as I laid down on the couch. He just sat beside me and lifted a pillow under my head. “Rest as long as you need. Been a long day and night. Get a shower when you want. I’m glad you’re back.”

“Bear… I’m sorry about what happened to your girlfriend.” My voice was muffled into the pillow. “I’d been so scared about losing you.”

Bear was quiet for a minute and I thought I’d pushed him too far with the comment.

“I made a promise to you and I won’t break my promise. Murphy’s gone and I honor her memory, I should have listened to her that night.” Bear paused with a croak in his voice as I clutched his hand. “We were at this party and all of us were drinking. Not thinking straight. Super stupid.” He pushed out a hard breath as if he was beating himself up over the moment. All over again. “It all spun out of control so fast. It was a straight head-on collision. I got the scars across my belly as a reminder.” Bear lifted his shirt to show me a little jagged scar over his ribcage.

Gasping, I touched it. Running my fingers over the scar, I didn’t know how I never noticed it before. “I’m sorry Bear.” I took his large hand, weaving my fingers into his.

“It’s not your fault, Delphia. I wanna be with you regardless of what’s going on. I’m falling hard in love with you if you didn’t already know. I wanna focus on what we have and moving ahead together.”

His big smile and fierce declaration shocked me and did something very profound to my heart. I felt as if he’d just changed my whole life by telling me he loved me. I felt a little shy because if I was being honest with myself, this was my first time being in love. I muffled my voice down deep into the pillow as I replied, “I love you too.” I wanted it to be heard and I wanted it not to be heard.

“What? I missed that… tell me again,” Bear asked as his eyes focused on my face.

“I think I’m in love with you too.” I sat up.

“That’s enough for me, baby. Let’s not give up on us because things are getting rough on the outside. We stay together, no more running away. We face it together. Can you promise me that?” He tipped my chin up to meet his magnetic gaze.

“I can,” I whispered as the roughness of his lips glided over mine.

“I get it. I made you a promise to watch out for you…and you shouldn’t have doubted that.” He smoothed my shorn hair with his hand. “I like the hair. Suits you. A more sophisticated Delphia,” he admitted softly as he took in my new look.

I smiled at him. “Thank you.” I touched the bottom of my hair self-consciously.

“Sleep. Rest. I’ll be here when you get up.” He smoothed my new short locks with a gentle hand.

I rested for a few hours. By the time I got up, showered and ate with Bear, I felt like a new woman.

Bear looked at me with interest. “I gotta tell you that you being blonde is super hot. You look good with any hairstyle, but I really like it, it suits you.”

“You think? I was going for a disguise.”

“I know.” Bear and I were in his bedroom while I grabbed a few things out of my bag. The craving sensation to touch him and have him caress me was starting to rise. I watched his form as his triceps flexed. My eyelashes fluttered, and a wanton ache filled my core.

Bear caught me watching him as he stole a look, running his hawkish eyes down the length of me.

Excitement brewed inside me, as he ran his thick fingers delicately over the landscape of my arm sending tingles all through it.

The next moments were a blur. All I knew was that I was in a world full of sensations. My body was filled with pleasure. Bear’s lips were all over me, and our clothes were in a pile heaped on the floor next to the bed. I was helpless to the reaction of my body as he penetrated me over and over again. I cried out in passion at his raw display of power and sensuality. It was what I wanted. It was all I needed in the moment after the harrowing day I’d had.