We were entangled in our own world as he grunted and moaned with me, taking me to greater heights with his girth. “Delphia, you feel sooo good. Like home,” Bear groaned as a drop of his sweat dripped onto my breasts.

I didn’t know what it was, but my whole body craved this man. He made me feel incredible both inside and out. “Hmmm,” I moaned as he rocked inside of me, bringing me to a sweet orgasm that faded all of the shitstorm of events from my mind. He gathered my fingers into his hands; his eyes fixated on mine with a depth I wanted to sink into.

Groaning loudly, his body unleashed at the peak of his climax.

We both dropped into the soundless bliss of one another and rested.

There was no other place I longed to be.

“Sweet Delphia. I’m glad you’re here with me. I want you to be nowhere else but here.”

“I’m not going to run again. I just got scared.”

Bear wound his thick, muscular leg around my body with a deep, knowing smile. “I know, because I have some chains out back somewhere, and I’ll put them to good use if need be,” he teased with affection. “I’m joking, but you don’t have to run. Talk to me. I’m going to be right here for you every step of the way. You don’t have to go through any of this stuff alone anymore.”

A calm fell over me. I just had to have faith that nothing would happen to him. I never wanted to be parted from him again. I lay on his chest, knowing that he and I would make it after all.

“We gonna do this? We’re official?” I asked Bear.

Both me and Bear were making our connection official as we walked into Wheelz together. It was a big night, because not only had the article come out about Rocky, but also the Rebel Saints had won the bid for the Red Stone Casino by the skin of their teeth. It was a private celebration and everyone would be there.

I didn’t know myself anymore because I wasn’t nervous. I felt good on the inside.

Harper was the first person to see us as we walked through the door. “I knew it. I knew it! You two. I knew it would not be long.” She touched me lightly on the shoulders and kissed my cheek.

Bear lightly squeezed my hand before he dropped Harper’s hand and tugged me closer with a large arm around my shoulder. “Yep. You were right.” He was grinning from ear to ear.

Harper patted Bear’s large bicep. “I’m so happy this Red Stone bidding is finished. Bones has been stressed the hell out over it. Jaz is pumped too. It’s been a long road. It’s almost crazy that we won it.” Harper’s warm eyes rounded as if she was still trying to come to terms with it.

“It has been a long journey. I thought Bones and Numbers were about to blow a gasket, so this is a good thing.” Bear smiled at her in their shared gratitude for the situation.

Bones came over with a wide, happy smile as he put an arm around Harper. “Hey, you two. Nice to see you together. Delphia, I’m glad you’re safe. I don’t know if I personally told you, but if you ever need our help we are more than happy to cover you. You’re with Bear. You’re with us.” Bones’ expression changed to a solemn look.

“Thank you. That means a lot to me.” I gave him a shy nod.

Bear flashed me a wink.

Angie and Jaz approached us.

From Angie’s swaggering stride, it was clear she had news for me. “Delphia, wow! I saw you and Bear walk in together and your hair. You look wicked—in a good way.”

Jaz’s eyes were twinkling as she approached and came over to say hello.

Bear was busy talking to Bones and Smoke.

Jaz’s infectious cheer made me feel even more uplifted than I already did, and she enveloped me in a hug.

Angie arriving at the same time increased the fluttering of butterflies in my stomach because she clearly had something to tell me.

I took it to be good because a smile had taken over her pretty face. “Thank you. I didn’t mean to dye it, but it came out okay.” My hair was blow-dried and behaving, which was a good thing.

“More than okay,” Angie observed. “Jaz, I’m glad this casino business is over for you. We won it.”

Jaz and Angie high-fived.

Angie’s sparkling gaze swung back over to me. “Delphia. The article came out today, Rocky has been picked up and the case has been reopened… and on top of that, there’s fresh charges for the robbery. We did it too, girl. I told you I would make sure we got justice. This is the beginning, but it’s a good start.”

As Angie revealed the news, my heart pounded, skipping at a rapid rate. “I can’t believe it. Finally, my brother can rest.” Tears were rising, but I kept them at bay.