Page 35 of Unshakable

The room’s spacious and fully equipped with a king size bed and bathroom. Right in front of us, next to the kitchen corner, is a pool table.

“What just happened?” I turn to face him.

He shrugs and hands me a cue. “Wanna play?”

“What you just did to that woman, can never happen again.”

With the cue still in midair, he stares at me, his blue eyes thoughtful, his lips in a thin line.

“I won’t back down,” I say and I mean every word. “Not on this. You treating women like that is unacceptable.”

He doesn’t speak, just continues to stare into my eyes. I wonder what he’s thinking. Then he gives me an ever so slight bow and a wry smile.

“You sure are something, angel.”

I take the cue from his hand and roll my shoulders back, enjoying the brief moment of triumph.

As he places the balls on the table, I look around. “It’s so quiet.”

“It’s completely soundproof. We like our peace and quiet. Here.” He hands me a phone. “Put on some music if you like.“

While I search for the newest song by Peter Doherty, Logan prepares the game. And when the sounds of “The Fantasy of Poetry and Crime” fill the air, he pulls his vibrating phone out of his pocket. “Got to take this real quick. You can start the game if you want. No cheating. And take a drink, there’s plenty in the fridge.” Once he’s left the room, my eyes wander around once more. Is this where he brings his hookups? Am I just another addition to his list of conquests? Struck by this thought, I start the game, smashing the balls perhaps a little too hard around the table. He certainly has the looks for it. I take another shot. My life has officially become a whirlwind. Or aquest, I like that word. A quest to realize my dreams. It makes me feel like Alice in Wonderland. I take another shot. When I fly back home, whenever that is, I’ll tell the girls the whole thing. Perhaps Friday, during our weekly video call. I can just imagine the looks on their faces. Monika and Prue will definitely approve, but Emma’s always slightly more hesitant. She’s our conscience, that’s for sure.

When a pair of strong arms sneak around my waist, squeezing my body tight against a broad chest, I nearly jump. “Didn’t mean to scare you, angel,” Logan mumbles. “What are you playing?”

I check the table briefly. “Stripes. You can have the spots.”

His hoarse chuckle gives me goosebumps. “Yeah, I bet I can have the spots. They’re all still there, whereas you’ve pocketed at least,” he counts out loud, “four balls. And I told you not to cheat.”

“I’m not cheating, I just treated my own camp a bit better. Can’t blame me for that? You shouldn’t have been on the phone for that long. Beer?”

“Bossy already? I like it.”

Merde. I do too. Where the hell is all this coming from?

But that look of approval in his blue eyes makes it all worthwhile. I feel them on my back as I make my way to the kitchen. He’s dangerous and unpredictable. It’s contagious. And so damn hot.

I take out two beers, but right as I close the fridge, he spins me around and presses my back against the cool metal. His mouth brushes against mine, but when his teeth bite my bottom lip, they draw blood, making me gasp in surprise. He smiles against my parted mouth, then growls as his tongue plunges in, causing a copper taste to mingle in our kiss. I sigh at the sensation. When he pulls back ever so slightly, he presses his forehead against mine, a wolfish grin on his face. “Yeah, that’s right,” he rumbles, causing a shock of pleasure to ripple through my body. “That’s how I like it, angel. A bit rough, with a sugar coating.” I touch my lip, genuinely surprised to find blood. It stings a bit.

“Here, let me.” His tongue laps over my finger, before licking the blood away on my lip and then finding his way back into my mouth. He holds the cans of beer against my nipples and I gasp. The coldness, in combination with his warm tongue sliding down to suck at my neck, makes the feeling exquisite. He lifts me up and I wrap my legs around his hips as he moves us to the pool table.

“No escort, right?”

I shake my head. “No escort. This is quite new to me. With a guy, you know.” It feels ridiculous to say, but the need to express my inexperience feels important. Logan gives me a gentle smile and his bright eyes make my heart flutter. “That makes two of us,” he admits. “It was easier when you were chained up against my wall.”

I pretend to be shocked. “You can’t mean that.”

Logan chuckles and shakes his head. “No, but it was fucking, freaking hot to see you there. I’m always up for surprises, but that was pushing it, even by my standards.”

“Please tell me more about yourself.”

“If I told you more about myself, you’d never leave again,ever.” His lips twitch with the barest hint of a smile. “Although that prospect sounds strangely interesting. The way you handled that woman downstairs. You’re a natural badass.”

I giggle, feeling my heart flutter again as his words echo through my head. “It just happened, I guess.”

“A natural badass,” he rasps. With one firm stroke, he rolls away all the balls before placing me flat on my back, spreading my legs to give himself room between my thighs. He pushes the top of my dress down so he can tease my nipple between his thumb and forefinger. I arch my back out for him and let him slowly kiss his way from my neck down to my chest. He licks me all over and I whimper, enjoying the way my vulnerable position in combination with his touch tickles my overheated skin.

My fingers run through his hair and he sucks on my nipple, watching me for my reaction while he slides his hand over my inner thigh.