Page 34 of Unshakable

The comment makes me giggle. Big’s right. In his own, cranky way, he’s a real pain. I watch him and drink in his beautiful features. His tall, athletic build. When our eyes meet again, I feel my cheeks burn, yet can’t look away. He gives me a sexy smirk, before he concentrates on his conversation again. He blows his black hair out of his eyes and gives me a boyish grin.

“Didheorder me?” I look back at Big, disturbed by my new train of thought.


“I asked, did heorderme?” I point toward the empty pool table.

“Ah, you make me feel like I’m some kind of monster,” Logan teases, his breath brushing my neck. His sudden return makes me jump in surprise, and he gives me a toothy smirk. “C’mon. Let me take you upstairs. We’ll be able to talk and play some pool at the same time.”

He doesn’t wait for my reply, simply puts an arm around me and pulls me off the stool and against his firm chest. He’s got at least six inches on me; I notice now that we’re both standing. With a growl he lifts me up and both his hands are firmly wrapped around my lower back, pulling me flush against his firm, hard body. It makes me tingle with anticipation. Yet something else catches my eye. Or rather, someone. I lower my mouth to his ear.

“I reckon you’re going to be in trouble and you need me to help you out.” He looks up and I smile sweetly at his taunting stare. He shakes his head and lets out a huff. “No fucking way.False.”

I shrug. “All right, if you say so. Let’s go upstairs then.” But we make it barely two steps, before the woman I saw approaching us with fast, agitated steps, halts in front of Logan. Her scream makes him put me down. “You!”

As we both watch the Latino woman, he pulls me against his chest, his grasp rigid as a bar.

“You are cruel.Cruel!” The woman cries. Two bouncers appear—tall with thick muscles—but she looks too desperate to notice. When they grab her, she flinches. “Don’t fucking touch me,cabrón!” Her fist flies surprisingly fast through the air, but before she can punch Logan, I raise both my arms and catch hers, holding tight before I slowly lower both our arms.

Myundeniable. Logan Donnelly is mine. All mine. It should scare the shit out of me, but instead I feel calm. Determined.

The woman scowls, but keeps silent. For a brief moment we just look at each other. She radiates so much despair that I can feel it inside my own body.

“What’s your name? And why are you so upset?” I ask.

The woman’s breath comes fast while her dark eyes take in my presence. I feel the moment her scowl turns into something softer. First there’s curiosity, then her gaze flickers from Logan back to me, then there’s that sadness again. Another tear falls from her eye. I reach out and half expect her to slap my finger away, but she lets me brush her hair back behind her ear. While we just stand there like that, taking each other in, accepting the momentary truce, I see commotion behind me. People are moving, shielding other people, and the woman feels it too. Her eyes get that empty look again as her lips start to tremble.

Next thing I see is another woman hastily approaching with an apologetic look.

Logan’s finger caresses my collarbone and it’s a surprisingly gentle touch that gives me this strange feeling of care, of safety. Then he ruins it with his hostile words.

“Jesus, Ella, I don’t want a scene in the club. Why couldn’t you keep her in the kitchen? Take that woman out the back and make her go away.”

Logan Donnelly reminds me a bit of a wolf. He growls and sneers, he barks orders and pretends he doesn’t care. And he’s very, very possessive. As he pulls me closer, one of the bouncers grabs the Latina woman by her hand, ordering her to move.

“Yes, boss,” Ella replies. Her voice sounds familiar and when our eyes meet, I blink mine in surprise.What the hell?

Ella mouths a “Sorry”, and spins around to follow the woman and the bouncer. I don’t know what makes me react this way, but I call out, “Hang on. Wait!”

While the whole world seems to turn into a black and white movie, I am the only one left in color. “What the hell’s going on here?” Behind me, I feel Logan’s body stiffen. “Angel…”

As if she senses the opportunity, the Latino woman yells, “He’s going to separate me from my sister.”

Her words swirl around my mind. “What’s your name and where are you from?”

“I’m Romina. I’m with my sister Mariana. We’re from Mexico.”

“Okay Romina,” I pause, not quite sure what to do next, but aware of the power I’m being given. It feels like a tryout. Fueled by the thought that if it really is, I don’t want to fail. I say, “First of all, raising your fists won’t solve any problems. Use words instead, communicate in a decent manner like the lady that you are.” I gently peel myself away from Logan, ignoring the loss of warmth and comfort that I instantly feel. “If you can do that, I’m sure Logan won’t separate you from your sister. Right?” I glance up into his blue eyes, my eyebrows arched as a warning. “Right?”

We stare at each other for what feels like a lifetime and a whole ocean of different emotions wash through his brilliant eyes. I don’t allow myself to blink, but he does. And then he nods and brushes a hand through his hair.

“Sure.” His voice sounds hoarse. Was that a flicker of incertitude? Whatever it was, it’s gone by the next blink. The woman thanks me, but I barely hear it. My full attention is set on the man next to me, the man who curls his full lips into a smile, his eyes still on mine.

“My turn,” he whispers and he takes me by the arm to guide me upstairs.

The first floor’s clearly meant for private use. There’s a small corridor that gives way to three different rooms. One seems to be some sort of lounge area with couches, a large flat screen and a dart board on the wall. Two guys who look like bouncers wearing the same black uniform as the ones I’ve seen before, are playing video games, loudly commenting on each other's performance as we pass by.

“This is where the guys take their break,” Logan explains and points at the adjoining door. “Bedroom. For staff.” We turn toward the other side of the hall and he grabs his keychain to open the door. “This is only for our people.”