“Allen, this is Mr. Hawthorne. He came in on the yacht today. Mr. Hawthorne, this is Allen, the owner of the pub.” I introduced them quickly. “Allen, grab his left side. I’ll get the right.”

“Jade, please let me help,” I asked as nicely as I could. “No agenda here. I just wanna help.”

“Jade, let him help. Admiral is heavy. It’d make it quicker for me to get back to the bar,” Allen said. “The truck’s in the alley, right?”

“Allen, if you didn’t give him alcohol, I wouldn’t have to bring him home.” I stepped back from my dad. “Thank you, Mr. Hawthorne. Your help would be appreciated.”

“The name’s Sawyer. How are we doing this, Allen?” I went to Admiral’s right side.

“Under the arms and out that side exit to the alley,” Allen said.

I wonder how long she’s been dealing with this. Explains the marina’s state of disrepair.

We got him to the truck and loaded him in, but he was pretty out of it. I had no idea how she was getting him in the house.

“Hey, I was just heading out myself, so if you could give me a ride, I’d be happy to help you get him in the house.” I stood back with my hands in my pockets. “Actually, you’d be doing me a favor if I could throw the guys in the back of the truck and get them back to the boat too.”

I thought she was going to drive away without answering, then she sighed.

“Of course, Mr. Hawthorne. You’re docked at my marina. I’d be happy to give you a lift back.” She sighed again. “I’ll wait while you get the guys.”

“Thank you, and please call me Sawyer,” I said, then walked back into the bar.

“Asher, I’m going back to the boat and taking the crew. Are you coming?” I asked at his shoulder, which had a redhead on it. “You can stay. I don’t care.”

“You walking back or going with the blonde?” Asher slurred a little. “I saw you go outside with her.”

“Yeah? Then you also saw me help carry her father. Come on, let’s go, you’ve had enough.” I pulled him off the redhead. “Sorry, ma’am, but it’s time for us to go.”

I waved for the guys to follow as I led Asher out to the alley and the waiting truck.

“You see, I have one of my own to deal with,” I called to Jade as I pushed Asher into the bed of the truck and then climbed in behind him and the guys.

Chapter 7


Why did I let him talk me into letting him help?

I hadn’t wantedto let Sawyer help with my dad, but if I was being honest with myself, I knew getting him in the house was going to be a monumental task. I’d left him in the truck sleeping it off far too many nights already.

“Jade, when did you get here?” my father asked from the back seat.

“Hey, Dad, we’re home now. Are you ready to get in bed?” I tried for a bright attitude. “Come on, sit up and we’ll get you in your comfy bed.”

I climbed out of the front seat and reached for the door to the back seat.

“Oh, sorry, you go ahead.” Sawyer stepped back after we reached for the door at the same time. “Tell me how I can help now.”

“If you can help me get him out and through the front door, I can take it from there,” I said begrudgingly.

“Got it. Hey, Admiral, let’s get you inside. Let’s go, one after the other,” Sawyer spoke kindly to my dad. “Marcus, grab the other side and let’s get him in bed.”

I ran ahead and opened the front door, then threw the blankets off the couch.

“You can put him there on the couch.” I pointed to it. “Thanks for the help, boys.”

“Where’s his room? We can just put him there for you,” Sawyer suggested.