“If you’re sure, then it’s down the hall to the right,” I gestured. “Let me go ahead and make sure his dog doesn’t get upset.”

“Is it a big dog?” Marcus looked to me nervously. “I’m a little afraid of big dogs.”

“It’s a Saint Bernard and well-trained. The Admiral wouldn’t have it any other way.” I smiled to reassure him. “His name is Moose and he’s sleeping on the floor at the foot of the bed.”

They placed him in the bed. I watched as Sawyer pulled the covers out from under my dad and basically tucked him in.

So, Mr. Fancy Yacht isn’t so snobby after all.

“Thanks for the help. He’s been a handful lately.” I clicked the lamp on and gestured to them to leave the room. “Mr. Hawthorne, if there’s anything you need before leaving, please let me know.”

“We appreciate the ride home. My crew had a bit too much to drink,” Sawyer said humbly as his crew slowly spilled out of my truck. “I know it was only two blocks but it made it quicker.

“You better get them safely onto your yacht. I wouldn’t want anyone pushed into the water.”

Chapter 8


“Marcus, do you have everything we need for the weekend before we shove off?” I asked over the intercom.

“I’m fully stocked, sir, unless you get in the mood for something other than what I have,” Marcus replied. “Asher wants to know if you’re coming to the galley to eat.”

“I’ll be there shortly. I’ll have my usual, please.” I clicked off, then on again. “Actually, hold on my food for about thirty minutes.”

“Hey, I’m hungry. What’s taking you so long?” Asher whined into the intercom.

“I need to take care of something. Just eat without me,” I answered back, then left the boat.

As I walked down the dock, I could see Jade down at the farthest end, working on a fishing boat. I headed toward her.

“Good morning,” I said without getting too close. “Just wanted to thank you again for the lift home last night and to see how Admiral is this morning.”

“Mr. Hawthorne, there’s no need to thank me, and my father is sleeping it off, as usual,” she tossed at me without stopping what she was doing. “Thank you for helping, though. But if you don’t mind, I have a lot to do this morning. Is there something you need?”

“Yes. We’re shoving off, but I hired the band to come out to the island later today and tomorrow. I wanted to hire you to bring them back and forth.” I waited for her to look at me.

“I can do that. What time would you like them dropped off and picked up?” she asked, now looking at me. “I have a fishing excursion in an hour but should be in by lunchtime.”

Wow, those are some blue eyes. How did I not notice them before?

“Perfect, I told them around three o’clock. And I’ll let you know later if they will stay overnight or need a ride back,” I said, checking my cell to see if they had answered. “I messaged the band leader, but no answer yet.”

“Most of them are married, so I’m guessing they’ll need to be back tonight.” She went back to checking fishing poles. “I can pick them up no later than eleven, maybe midnight.”

“You don’t mind being out on the water that late at night?” I was a little surprised.

“No, I’ve spent many nights out on the open water. It’ll be fine,” she said, matter-of-factly.

“Also, I have a lot of guests coming to the island over the next month and wanted to hire you for fishing excursions, and maybe scuba diving too,” I said.

“Mr. Hawthorne, do you really need to hire me for those things when you probably have anything you need on that island?” She stopped working, again, to look at me.

“I have all the toys, that’s true, but I don’t have the time to take people that don’t know what they’re doing out on the water.” I pointed to the broken dock. “I thought you could use the jobs, the money.”

“I’m not a charity case, but if you really need the tours, I’d be happy to accommodate.” She stepped onto the dock next to me.

“It would be a great help. Can I pay you now for bringing the band over and the two excursions?” I asked.