The pizza was indeed amazing. Trey flirted habitually, but he was just being Trey. Which was a thing in itself. The more time I spent with him, the more he felt like a brother. A really good-looking, amazingly funny older brother who liked to party and hit on every girl he saw. Conversation with Trey was always good. He could talk about nearly any subject I threw at him, and I was intrigued by that.

“You wanna do something tonight? Besides eating. Like a movie or dancing?” Trey blurted out “I mean, if you’re alone because Parker is working and you wanna get out?

He looked hopeful, and I felt like such a heel. I thought about it for a minute before answering and decided seeing him or Parker too much, before I knew which my husband was to be, would not be a good idea. I was getting way too confused. The more I was with them the more I knew I couldn’t keep Victoria’s secret much longer.

“Actually, I think I’m going to head back to Greenwich in the morning.” I said. “I’ll see you for Christmas though right?”

Chapter 27


Lunch had gone well with Trey. It went perfect, actually, which only made me more miserable.

How was I going to survive this? On one hand, Trey was wonderful, and I could be happy with him. There would probably never be a dull moment with Trey. But Parker… Oh, Parker was just perfect.

I hailed yet another cab then pulled my cell out to call Victoria. “Victoria, I was hoping Amoeba and I could get a ride back to Greenwich with you today?” I asked, hoping she didn’t pry too much.

“Of course, Mia. Is everything all right? Did Parker do something, or do you just miss me?” she said, lightening the mood.

“Ha-ha. No, Parker is wonderful, but honestly I may be getting too close to him, and I know I’m promised to another man, another son.”

“I understand, dear,” Victoria said. “I’ll pick you up in two hours.”

Now you have to tell Parker you are leaving. This really, really sucks.

I was in the middle of makingmyself a sandwich when I heard Parker’s bedroom door open. I turned with the bread still in my hands. Parker was standing in the doorway to the hall wearing a faded pair of blue jeans and a white T-shirt. His dark hair was still wet from his shower, and it looked almost black. His green eyes were on me.

“My mother called to ask what I had done to you,” Parker said, strolling into the kitchen and leaning against the sink. “She tells me you’re going back to Greenwich with her this morning.”

“Uh, yes, I was going to tell you myself.” I rushed on. “I can take Amoeba with me since I agreed to take care of her.” I stared at him. It was all I could do.

He grabbed my hands. “Why would you do that? Is it because Trey flirted with you? Or is it because I kissed you?”

“How did you know he flirted with me?” I asked, knowing it was a stupid question as soon as it left my lips. “Never mind, that doesn’t even matter.”

“Talk to me, Mia. I’m not blind. I know Trey is interested in you, so let’s start with are you interested in him?” Parker asked, not moving away.

“Parker, there are things you don’t understand,” I said, fiddling with my napkin.

“You’re running away, and I think it’s because I kissed you,” he said. “Whatever you think I don’t understand, I’m sure it doesn’t matter. What matters is how I’m feeling about you, and that isallthat matters.”

“No, Parker, that is not the only thing that matters,” I said with a nervous laugh. “I just can’t explain things to you right now. It’s complicated so please understand I need to go back to Greenwich and think things through.”

“I can’t but I won’t try to stop you,” Parker said. “However, I wish you would stay.”

“I just can’t. Besides, you’ll be busy over the next few days, so you won’t really miss us,” I said.

Victoria had arrived right on time as usual. I held back the tears that threatened the entire drive back to Greenwich. I was lucky to have made it without shedding one tear.

It’s time for my new life. New life. New life. Just keep saying it.

Chapter 28


Ilay in the big four-poster bed in my suite at Hawthorne Manor, staring up at the ceiling and wishing I had some sort of sleep aid. Not that I thought it would work.

I gotta move. I need to get out of bed. I wonder if I would wake anyone if I jumped on the elliptical in the workout room. No, I can’t risk that.