If I walked around my suite, I would have burned a pattern eight inches into the carpet, if there was carpet. Amoeba wasn’t too happy with me for waking her, then she became very interested in what I was doing and began following me.

I finally made the decision to go eat. I scooped up Amoeba, threw on my robe, and tiptoed down the grand staircase. I was searching through the refrigerator when I heard a noise behind me. For a brief second, my mind thought it was Parker coming to the kitchen for food too.but it was only the icemaker dropping ice.

They probably wouldn’t care if I took some pie.

I grabbed a cookie for Amoeba and cuddled up in front of the fireplace.

I’m so glad this is a gas fireplace. Who wants to mess with starting a fire?

Amoeba was sleepy again, so I put her on my lap and tucked her into my robe, hugging her closer.

What am I going to do, little girl? How can I not be with you always?

Tears spilled onto my cheeks.Ah! Why can’t I stop crying! Five weeks shouldn’t have affected me so much, but Parker has found a way into my heart

I missed him so much it was ridiculous.Why hasn’t he called or texted? Doesn’t he even want to know about Amoeba?

Part of me didn’t blame him for not calling or texting, but another part was heartbroken he hadn’t at least sent a text or called. A groan escaped my lips, and I was glad no one heard it.

Why hadn’t he texted me? I guess this is my sign. Or maybe he’s busy.

Chapter 29


It had been a long two days after Mia left and I was, for once, happy to be leaving the city and work. I couldn’t remember the last time I wasn’t at the hospital on Christmas Eve, but not this year. I was looking forward to being with Mia.

When we pulled into Hawthorne Manor I handed Hank his Christmas bonus before I got out of the limo. “You have a great Christmas. As a matter of fact make it a paid vacation off until after the New Year.”

‘Thanks, Mr. Hawthorne.” Hank said handing my bags over to Moms butler. “You say Merry Christmas to Mia for me, she’s a great girl.”

“Parker, you’re here early.” Mom said when I walked into the living room. “I’m so glad because I wanted to give you your special gift tonight before the rest of the family got here.”

“Mom, I can wait till Christmas morning like everyone else.” I said kissing her cheek “It’s Christmas Eve let’s just relax.”

Mia sat off to the side by the fireplace holding Amoeba. “Hey Mia. How’s my girl?”

“Oh, she has been waiting for you.” Mia put the puppy on the floor. They all laughed when Amoeba ran in circles.

I put my briefcase down and lifted her to my chest. “I had no idea I’d miss you so much.”

“Okay Parker can you take a seat please so I can give you my gift. It’s extremely special to me.” Victoria said “And I know it’s Christmas Eve, but like I said before I’d like to give it to you while it’s just us.”

“Alright mom, it’s seems you cannot be stopped.” I said taking a chair next to Mia “Bring on this special gift.”

“Please give it a chance.”

“Now my interest is peeked.” I said

“I’m going to my room to make a phone call. See you all in the morning,” Mia announced.

“No, Mia, please stay,” Victoria turned to pick up an envelope

“Parker, I spent a long time thinking about this year’s gift, and I hope you really love it because it cannot necessarily be returned. Or at least not easily returned.” Victoria said

“Mom, you’re making me a little nervous,” I said putting Amoeba on the floor

“Here you go,” Victoria said “Just read this and think for a few minutes before you decide.”