I’m stunned beyond belief. I mean, I knew this moment was coming. I’m just unsure why he didn’t tell me and why I didn’t go with him.

“And? What happened?” More importantly,why am I still here?

Trepidation hits me from all sides. I don’t even know why I feel like I don’t want to leave.

He regards me coolly. “Let’s just say your uncle was not very fucking happy about the whole situation, not that we expected him to be. Words were spoken, and an understanding was reached, eventually.”

I stare at him. “He thought I was in Europe, didn’t he?”

His eyes flick to the ground. “Yes.”

I haughtily shake my head. “You see, this is what they’re like. They don't even know I’m fucking missing! What’s the point of me returning there where I’m unwanted and unmissed.”As well as unloved.

“He was pissed, if you must know. Guns were drawn, shit went down.”He pauses, then adds, “He does care for you, Katiya, very much.”

My eyes dart to his quickly.I open my mouth then close it again. I want to ask about my father, but I don’t.

“It was all smoothed out,” he assures me. “There is a car coming to get you tonight.”

I stare at him, feeling the fury. I don’t know why, since this was always going to happen. Me leaving today was inevitable, and he has made no bones about it.

“Why didn’t you tell me that’s where you were going?”

“I’m telling you now, Katiya. Last time I checked, I don’t answer to you.”

I don’t know what I thought would happen, certainly not that we would all drive over to Uncle Aleksi’s and have vodka, and he would say thanks and pat Marco on the back for saving my life and very possibly my virtue.Though that’s still hanging in the balance.

I’m not a fool. I know how shit goes down, the Bratva is not dissimilar to the Italian mafia, and Aleksi probably doesn’t even believe a word out of their mouths.

He’ll be planning his revenge.

My stomach heaves at the thought of going home. It heaves again at the thought of a turf war between them and people getting hurt. But most of all, it heaves at the thought of leaving this castle and Marco.

A shiver runs through my body.

I start to panic.

I’m not ready for this. I’m not ready to face them … or Vlad and definitely not my father.

I’m stupid to think that I could ever be, not after this.

“Tonight?” I question, like it’s so absurd, even though I already knew as much.

He turns fully to face me, drinking his second shot more calmly. “You seem surprised by that?”

“Well, it’s just that … I … I don’t think that I’m ready to go.”

He chuckles softly. Perhaps he thinks I’m joking. “What do you mean you’re not ready to go? You hate it here.”

“I never said I hated it.”

“You hate me, don’t you?” He tilts his head on his side, and the look he gives me goes straight to my core.

Holy shit.

I wish I hated him; I really do right now.

“I don’t hate you, Marco.” I struggle to look at him as I edge off the seat and stand.