We may be dark, but we’re not monsters.

“I’ll see to it that she is safely sent back to where she belongs.”

As the words leave my lips, I realize that I’m unsure if Katiya herself even knows where that is.



I hearthe elevator doors open.

I’ve no idea what Marco has been doing all day, but in he marches.

I’m sitting casually in one of the high-backed chairs in his library, where I’ve been spending a lot of my time this week.

Today is the day I am supposedly free to leave and return to my family, though I’ve made no attempt whatsoever to be ready to leave.

All week I’ve been trying to figure out the words to tell him about what is really going on and about my family's plans for Vlad and me. Or why I even want to.

I also have no idea what my Uncle Aleksi will do when he finds out I’ve been at Marco’s house for days on end, if you can even call this a house.

His tie is loose when he walks in, and he looks slightly disheveled. It’s incredibly sexy to see him a little undone.

“Hard day at the office, dear?” I muse as he walks straight over to a small liquor cabinet built into the wall, he reaches for the decanter, pours himself a whisky, and throws it back.

“It was actually,dear.”He glances at me. “I see you’ve been busy.” His sarcasm isn’t lost on me.

“Just catching up on some Wuthering Heights.”

“Sounds riveting.”

“You have a lot of first editions here.”

“I don’t have time to read, so now I just like collecting.”

“What happened today?” I ask him, uncurling my legs from underneath me and putting the book down on the side table.

I’ve no right to ask him anything, so I’m surprised when he doesn’t get angry.

“You sure you wanna ask me that?” He raises his eyebrow.

I’m confused by his demeanor at the best of times, so the chances of me figuring him out right now is slim to none.

“Sounds like your casino woes are getting bigger and bigger.”

“This isn’t about the casino …”

“It couldn’t be about little old me, could it?”Please say no.

“It’s about your uncle.”

I stare at him with wide eyes. “What do you mean?” I stammer.

He gives me the side eye and pours himself another shot. “I met with him today, that’s where I’ve been.”

I balk at him. “What?” I lean forwards in my chair, “When? … Why?”

“What do you mean why?” He holds his glass as he turns to look at me. “To discuss your release. Angelo and I just got back from a meeting with him. Needless to say, he was worried.”