I turn at the halfway point and look down at him. “There’s nothing wrong with being gay, Marco. Most guys who dress and look like you are, there’s nothing to be ashamed of.”

“I’ll take it as a compliment, but for the record. I like women and only women. Now shut your little mouth and get upstairs.”

“I could leave, you know,” I fire back. “Would you stop me?”

“Trust me, you don’t wanna find out.”

After another minute of climbing and complaining, we reach the top. And I flounce back to my room with great fanfare.

“Now may be an opportune time to let you know you’ll be coming with me tomorrow,” he says as I turn the doorknob to my room.

I spin to face him. “I’m not going anywhere with you.”

“I’ll remind you that you have no choice, princess, so you can either come quietly or noisily. If you choose the latter option, I’ll have to get the help of Rocco, who’s the dude you just ran into downstairs. He’s good with knives, if that helps persuade you.”

“Fine by me,” I fling back at him. “He’s hot, I don’t mind him rough handling me any day of the week. Ever heard of knife play?”

His eyes go slightly wide, but he recovers quickly. “Just keep that mouth running, and I’ll be forced to gag you.”

I shake my head. “You asshole. I bet you’d enjoy that.”

He takes up all of the doorway and doesn’t make a move to leave.

Why is he not leaving?

“Oh very much, if it meant that I didn’t have to hear the sound of your voice.”

“You can’t force me to go with you!”

“There you go again, thinking you have a choice in the matter, and you know what’s really interesting, Katiya?”

The way he says my name…

“Nobody seems to be looking for you. Isn’t that interesting?”

My face falls and he sees it.

Anger flashes in my eyes. “You know nothing about me.”

His voice is a little less harsh when he says, “That’s the second time you’ve said that to me tonight, and I proved otherwise the first time.”

I point a finger in his face. “You’ll have to drag me kicking and screaming. I won’t go quietly.”

“It wouldn’t be the first time.”

“You’ve really no idea what hole you’re digging for yourself.”

“I have a fairly good idea,” he says, pulling on the lapels of his jacket. “And I’m not one percent worried. You on the other hand, should be.”

“Is this how you pick-up women? Shoving them around and telling them what to do.”

He glares at me. “I never shoved you, and women usually love me telling them what to do, especially in the bedroom. Then again, they’re not throwing things at my head and calling me names, so it’s a new experience for me.”

“It’ll be a new experience when I shove my spaghetti bowl up your ass.”

Annoyingly he seems unfazed by that revelation. “That is not only highly improbable but also unsanitary. My mom also favors those bowls, and they don’t make good pottery like they used to.”

“You think you’re so smart,” I snap at him, tugging on the door to try and close it. He grabs his side of the door handle at the same time and keeps it open. “But you can’t hold me forever.”