“No? Well, let’s not think too far into the future,” he snipes back. “That’s getting way ahead of the curve.”

He then slams the door shut, and I hear the lock twist.

I try the handle, but the damn thing is well and truly locked.

I bang both my hands on the door. “You won’t get away with this!” I yell.

“Scream all you want,” he taunts back at me through the other side. “Nobody can hear you.”

“You asshole!” I yell again. “You’re going to pay for this!”

I can’t be certain, but I’m almost sure I hear him laugh.



I’m a fucking liar.

First, I tell myself this spitfire is nothing but a spoiled little brat. The next thing, I’m checking out her ass and those long fucking legs that go on for miles.

And don’t even get me started on the rage I felt when Rocco put his hands on her.

Fuck me.

I shouldn’t be feeling anything like this toward her, but I can hardly help that she’s beauty personified without even trying.

She’s exactly my type, aside from her age. I’ve never dated a woman in her early twenties, and now I’m starting to see why. I should be thankful.

She’s trouble with a capital T.

And, that comment about knife play - what the actual fuck?

I realize most of what comes out of her mouth is a load of hot air, but that doesn’t mean it’s any easier not to react.

Why is she taunting me like this?

I blame fucking Angelo for putting me on babysitting duty, it’s a goddamn joke. I didn’t major in finance at Harvard and take on a risky project, putting all I had into it, and turn it around within five years, then make my first billion at twenty-eight to be a fucking errand boy.

Angelo may be the head of the family, but I am going to insist tomorrow that we hire out security to keep Miss Mouthy occupied so I can get some work done.

She can’t fucking talk to me like that.

I won’t allow it.

I stalk downstairs, irritated with myself for not keeping my cool better. Not that I let her see that, but still, I’ll be a laughingstock if I don’t get this situation under control.

We need to find some common ground. It seems the more I poke, the more angry and defensive she gets. She’s certainly not shy about telling me what she thinks.

I should be a little more sensitive to the fact that she’s suffered terribly at the hands of those assholes. She told Sage they didn’t rape her, thank christ for that, but I’m not dumb enough to believe that she’s anything but okay.

Tomorrow, I will try to ignore her jibes and remember that she’s young and defensive for a reason; she’s technically our prisoner now. That’s gotta make you a little bit upset.

Still, it doesn’t explain why I’ve got a missile in my pants every time we fight.

I don’t enjoy the enemies to lovers thing. I don’t need to fight with women to get them into bed.

I thought you were gay.