“Um, we’re waiting for our cheesecake,” I begin.

She turns to the counter and shouts, “Bring Corbin’s cheesecake to our spot, Janey.”

Then, she grabs my hand, pulls me to a standing position, and practically drags me to the couch.

“Ted, pull up a couple of chairs. Jena, scoot over,” she demands.

Ted hops up and does as he was told, and Jena slides to the end of the couch to make room. Erin pulls me down beside her, and Corbin walks up with our glasses in hand. He starts to take one of the chairs, but Erin stops him.

“No, there is room for you too. Sit with Maxi.”

She moves farther down the couch, and Corbin squeezes in beside me.

“So, a first date, you say. How did this come about?” She gestures between Corbin and me.

I shrug. “He was at the brewery last night, and we got to talking. He asked if I wanted to go to dinner,” I tell her.

“Uh-huh. Uh-huh. And?”

“And I said yes. So, he picked me up this evening and took me to eat at some swanky place, and here we are.”

Jena’s head peeks around Erin. “What about Susanna?” she blurts.

Erin turns and gives her a look. “Subtle, Jena.”

Jena shrugs. “She obviously wasn’t picking up your hints,” she snaps.

“Susanna and I broke up,” Corbin answers for me.

“You did? Forreal, real?” Erin asks.

He takes a sip of his beer and smiles. “Forreal, real,” he confirms.

“Well, I’ll be damned.” She slings her arm over my shoulders. “Having you around is gonna be even more fun than I thought,” she states.

“It is?” I ask.

“Girl, you’re about to turn this town on its ear,” Jena interjects.

I look at Corbin and grin.

He tugs me closer, and Erin releases me, so he can tuck me into his side. He is big and warm, and I lay my head against his chest as the guitarist starts his next set.

We spend the rest of the evening drinking, eating, and laughing with friends. It’s one of the best dates I’ve ever been on even if it is just make-believe.


Iwake up early to get ready for the next three days at the firehouse.

I do a load of laundry and pack my duffel with a couple of pairs of fresh socks, shorts, pajama pants, T-shirts, extra uniforms, towels, and my toiletries.

Before I get in the shower this time, I take all of Susanna’s bathroom stuff and toss it in a cardboard box I found in the garage last night. Then, I set it in the walk-in closet.

I’ll tackle that once I get home.

Last night was fun. Maxi and I stayed at the café until the place closed at eleven. The music was good, and we had a great time with her friends.

When I dropped her off at her cabin, I walked her to the door, and she thanked me for a great date and kissed my cheek. I had to fight the urge to pull her into my arms and kiss her senseless. Which was strange. I hadn’t felt an attraction to another woman in so long that it was foreign, but that’s exactly what it was. Physical attraction. When she had curled into me as we listened to the musician, it’d felt nice, and my body had responded.