And now, I find myself looking forward to our next date, which she informed me will be this Saturday.

We’ll be tackling the deck with a sander, a can of wood protector, and new stain before she joins me at a barbecue out at my parents’ campground. She thinks that introducing our new relationship to my family as soon as possible will give it more legitimacy.

I think my family, especially my mother, will smell a rat. She knows me too well, and even when I was a conniving little shit, she could always tell when I was lying. It’s some sort of sixth sense the Lord blessed her with. I guess he knew she’d need it, raising the six of us hellions.

I throw my duffel into the bed of my truck and make my way to the firehouse. Jay and Mike are outside, washing the glass garage doors, and Chris is hosing down the parking lot.

I don’t get one leg out of my truck door before the three of them start ribbing me.

“Heard you had a smoking hot date last night, boss,” Jay shouts as Mike and Chris start making catcalls.

Damn, Erin and Jena have the quickest mouths in the west.

Ignoring the lot of them, I grab my bag and head to the firehouse.

I point to the top of the garage and yell as I pass, “You missed a spot. Start over.”

They groan, and Jay steps back into the mechanical lift.

“We thought you’d be in a better mood this morning. She must have left you with blue balls last night,” he says as he starts spraying the glass while Mike squeegees.

I laugh and walk inside.

After washing down the firehouse and trucks, the guys and I hit the weight room for about an hour and a half before breaking for lunch.

Graham is waiting for us when we make it to the kitchen.

“To what do we owe this pleasure?” I ask as I take a seat beside him at the table.

“I had some extra time this afternoon and thought to myself that I haven’t brought my favorite brother and his coworkers lunch in a while. So, I stopped at José’s food truck and got four boxes of tacos and a gallon of salsa with chips, and here I am,” he says.

The boys excitedly tear into the food, and Chris passes out cans of soda and bottles of water.

“You’re here to fish for info on his date, aren’t you?” Jay asks as he settles across from Graham.

“Date? What date?” he asks, playing dumb.

I shake my head. “I know Taeli was the first call Erin made when she got home last night,” I say.

“When she got home? Shit, she called from the café restroom five minutes after the two of you walked into the place,” Graham informs me.


“Of course, Weston called Garrett and told him the night before, and Garrett called me yesterday morning on my way to work, so I already knew. She just confirmed that you didn’t chicken out.”

I roll my eyes. “You guys are worse than a bunch of girls.”

“Seriously, how did it go?” he asks, all amusement gone from his voice.

“It was fun. Maxi’s not like other women. She’s a straight shooter, and she doesn’t pull any punches. I like it.”

“She’s hot too,” Jay interjects.

“How do you know?” I ask.

“She’s the new girl at Reed’s place. We’ve been spending most of our free nights up there since he hired her. Not that she’s paid any of us much attention. But she’s funny as hell and a little mean. It’s sexy.”

“She’s mean?” Graham asks.