
Scarlett’s scream shot terror through my heart. I dropped everything and ran outside but I was too late. The only thing I saw was the car speeding away. I jumped into my car, but I couldn’t catch up to them. They disappeared before I even had a chance to get out the gate.

It didn't matter, my heartbeat raced wildly as terror and panic swelled inside me. I pressed the clutch in, throwing the car into second gear as the car rounded onto the street. The thought of losing Scarlett overwhelmed all of my senses as I pressed the clutch in and flicked the shifter into third. There was no sight of them, but it didn't stop me from continuing down the street. The car jerked sideways as I rounded the bend. Car horns blared around me as I barely missed a taxi.

Oxygen fed my rage and my blood pumped hard through my veins, causing the veil of red to fall before my eyes. This is the legacy Boris had bestowed upon me. The rage and madness I was now infamous for.

I can't live without her.

She was the anchor that held me to the ground, the one that chased away the crazed demon inside of me begging to be released.

I didn't see the waste truck in time. Slamming the breaks, I wrenched the steering wheel left, sending the car careening into the side of the building.

She was gone... I'd lost her...


Fuck, I was losing my shit. My mind was being swallowed by this red fog.

“Sergei, my brother. Think of Scarlett!” Dimitry’s voice penetrated my mind. I couldn't focus, couldn't seem to grasp that they were standing outside of my car, pulling me free from the wreckage.

“Brother, we are here,” Nikolai’s voice followed.

“Let me through, Dimitry.” The woman’s voice sounded familiar but I couldn’t place it. It wasn’t my solnce’s voice. That was the only voice I needed right now. “Hey there,” the voice was soothing, the hands cold on my face. It was the wrong hand though. “Let’s make sure you are not hurt.”

I felt hands on my forehead, then on both my shoulders. The clinical touch to ensure I didn’t have any broken bones. “That’s good,” she murmured. “You didn’t break anything. You are lucky. You might have some bruising tomorrow, but nothing you aren’t used to.”


It was my sister’s voice. My head throbbed in pain. I took a deep breath, and then another, trying desperately to clear my mind. Breathe in. Breathe out. Repeat. Breathe in. Breathe out.

“Sergei, you got this.” Her voice was soothing. “Don’t get upset. I nagged Dimitry to death after he got back from your little rendezvous this morning.” I wasn’t sure where Anja was going with this. It was hard to think past all the thundering in my brain and the pain in my heart. “He told me Boris is your father too.”

I’d become Boris without Scarlett. I had no doubt in my mind about that. I needed her and our baby like the air I breathe.

“You have to get your shit together. Scarlett needs you.” There was a pause as if Anja was trying to let the words sink in.Yes, she needs me.“And so do I, you know. I always wanted a brother. Although our dad is kind of cuckoo.”

My Scarlett.The whisper of my woman pushed through the fog.Breathe in. Breathe out.She needed me. I had to keep my sanity for her. Slowly, the pounding in my head and thundering in my ears slowed down pushing the fog out of my mind.

My sight cleared to find Anja’s face in front of mine. Behind her, Dimitry, Nikolai, and his woman.

“Hey there,” Anja greeted me again.

“They took her,” I muttered, my mouth dry.

“We’ll get her back,” Dimitry vowed.

“Yes, we’ll get her back,” I confirmed. And I’d make those motherfuckers pay. “Let’s get back to my compound. We’ll need a plan.”

* * *

I was done with this life. I just wanted Scarlett and to get out. The last two days were a nightmare. Sleeping evaded and fear pervaded. I couldn’t allow myself to even consider that Scarlett might be hurt. The rage immediately descended and I couldn’t afford to lose it now. She depended on me.

Her parents and her brothers were here too. It was good, we needed all the resources. I’d burn this country and Poland to the ground if I had to. My only priority was finding her, safe and sound.

The last two days have been a flurry of activity. Thank fucking God that Dimitry and Nikolai worked with O’Brady. All I wanted to do was kill, even the slightest provocation sending me into attack mode. I was unable to focus on anything and anyone, all my thoughts consumed with my woman and my unborn child. I should get myself together, show the O’Brady’s I was strong. But I couldn’t muster the strength for it. The truth was, I didn’t give a fuck about being strong because without Scarlett, I was nothing.

“What the fuck is wrong with him, Sinner?” I heard one of Scarlett’s brothers question either Dimitry or Nikolai. He just loved to agitate us by calling us Sinners. “He needs to get his head back in the game.”