I wasn’t sure how my hand ended up around his throat, choking the life out of him. Fuck, I didn’t even realize I moved clear across the room to pounce on him.
“This is not a game,” I gritted out.
“Everybody chill,” Nikolai shouted out. There was commotion all around me but none of it registered through the pulsing in my brain. “Brother, let go of Brennan’s throat.” When I didn’t move, I felt a hand on my shoulder. “Serg, Brennan’s here to help. Think of Scarlett.”
I finally let go, my eyes never wavering from Scarlett’s brother. If he said another word, I’d kill him. Luckily for him, or me, he remained quiet. I glanced around and saw lots of trigger-happy men around the room. O’Brady’s men and my men had their guns pulled out, along with Scarlett’s brothers.
“Sons, put your goddamn guns away,” Patrick barked out. “We don’t pull out guns on our family. And Brennan… keep your mouth shut and stop agitating Scarlett’s husband.” When I realized what he said, my eyes snapped to him. He nodded and continued, “Your sister has been kidnapped and is pregnant so I need you all to focus on rescuing her. Not being arseholes. And if she finds out you agitated her man, she’ll have your balls. Remember that!”
Brennan’s lips twitched into a small smile but he said nothing else.
“Okay, now that we are all sane,” Dimitry cut the bullshit of too much testosterone in the room. “Try to follow directions.” He gave Scarlett’s brothers a pointed look. They may not have grown up in the harsh conditions that were forced on me and my brothers, but they were still good fighters. “Brian is our guy that Irina reached out to. He was able to find out where they are keeping Scarlett. He’s sending us a location and then we will roll out. They are preparing to load women onto the boat to complete the sale with the Lebanese. When we get there, I need you all to be where you are told. I don’t want any cowboy shit and risk Scarlett’s or any other woman’s life there. Understood?”
My vision fuzzed with the familiar red fog. It was happening more frequently over the last two days and I knew it could become my life if...Fuck, I can’t even think it.It took all my self-restraint not to allow my rampage and rage to dictate my actions. Without a word, I exited the room, leaving my brothers to do the planning. My sole mission was to get Scarlett. Nothing more, nothing less. I’d be good for nothing else.
I wasn’t sure how I found myself outside, nor how long I’ve been out here. I stood in the bitter cold outside, but felt none of it. The cold outside didn’t compare to the freeze I felt on the inside. I was armed and ready to go. Two days without my woman, imagining what she was going through was too much.
A soft hand came to my back, and with surprise I noted, it was Scarlett’s mother.
“You bring her home.” Her voice was soft. She didn’t cry or scream, although I could see worry edged in the lines of her face. She was a strong woman, just like my Scarlett.
“I will,” I vowed. I couldn’t even bear to think what shape she’d be in. “I’ll bring her and our unborn baby home.”
“Yes, bring them home, Sergei.”
Her father and brothers, along with my men and my brothers exited the house. We all loaded into the black-colored SUVs and headed towards the docks.
“We’ll get her,” Nikolai’s hand was on my shoulder. “Hold on to your senses, for her. She’ll need you.”
“I won’t make it without her,” I gritted out. I didn’t give a fuck who heard it. Fortunately for me, only my brothers and Michail were in our car.
“You won’t have to,” Dimitry’s cold conviction was actually helping me. “We’ll kill Vlad and Irina, end this once and for all. We’ll live out the rest of our lives enjoying our hard-earned family.”
We rode the remainder of the way in silence. When we arrived at the docks, there was no need to hide. We came to blast the entire block to nothing, if necessary.
As we stepped out of the SUV, I took in the sight before us. The looming gunmetal gray warehouse stood in front of us. A foggy, white mist rolling in from the water appeared as ghostly fingers wrapping around our bodies, beckoning us to the watery grave beyond the docks. Every nerve inside of me should have been jumping in anticipation of what was to come, but I remained calm. I couldn't allow myself to get lost to the madness. Brian stepped up beside me, although I had no fucking clue where he'd come from. Maybe I was so far gone, I wasn't even aware of my surroundings.
“Where the fuck did you come from?” Dimitry’s question actually had me relieved. If he didn’t see him, I wasn’t a total basket case.
“I’m good at blending in,” he chuckled. “Anyhow, I’m ready to get this going.” He placed a hand drawn map with blood splatter all over it on the hood of our car.
“Why is there blood on your map?” Nikolai asked him with a raised eyebrow. “Did you get the party started without us?”
“I had to take out two guys,” Brian explained calmly. “It was a bit messy.”
Scarlett’s father and brothers joined in and we all studied the map while Brian talked.
“Scarlett is here,” he pointed to the lower level of the dock building. “They have men watching here, here, and here. They started moving women onto the ship right here.” He pointed to the southern side of the building. No wonder he told us to come to the northern side. We were in their blind spot right now. “They are scheduled to leave in an hour so we don’t have much time.”
“Okay, Brian you take the men you need and free the women from the ship,” Dimitry ordered. “Nikolai and I are going with Sergei. Michail and a few men will be our backup. Liam and Patrick, could you eliminate their men on the inside?”
“Nothing better happen to my sister,” Liam hissed, glaring at me.
“Liam, he will take care of your sister,” Patrick tried to calm the tension. “She’s his woman.”
“And she is my fucking sister,” he growled.
I didn’t bother answering him. I walked away, towards the entrance that would take me to my woman.
Although not before I heard Nikolai warn Liam, “Don’t threaten my brother.”
“Everyone just cool off,” Dimitry said. “If something happens to Scarlett, we will lose our brother. He won’t make it without her so keep your mouth shut and let’s get her out.”