“I thought you were kidnapped.” It was odd because Mom almost sounded lucid. Usually, she barely spoke anymore and often lost her words or thoughts.
“It was planned so I could be safe,” I explained. I didn’t ask Nikolai how much was safe to say but I assumed with Malcome and Dad out of the picture, it was safe. At least I hoped so.
“I am so glad, my beautiful baby,” her voice was a soft whisper over the line. “Your brother said not to worry, but I couldn’t help it.”
“I’m sorry I worried you.”
“No, no,” she quickly jumped in. “You are safe and that is all that matters. You did right by doing it. Dad and that vile man can’t hurt you anymore.”
I swallowed hard. This was more than I heard my mom talk in years. “Yes, I’m safe. I want to tell you something but don’t want to upset you.”
“Go ahead. I can handle it.” When did my mom get so brave? Maybe that was all she needed, space from my cruel and shitty father.
“The man that saved me,” I started, my words coming out slowly, “he asked me to marry him, and I really love him. So I’m going to marry him.”
I wasn’t sure what I expected from her. Not excitement for sure, or congratulations. Maybe some panic, but not her perception.
“Is that the same man that owns this house I’m staying at and all this security?”
“Yes. That’s him. Nikolai.”
“I wondered what his name was.” She remained quiet for a few seconds. “Can I talk to him?”
“Um, sure. I’ll go to him now.” I rushed to his office and right before I entered, I stopped. “Mom, I really love him. He makes me happy and keeps me safe.”
“I know, sweetie,” she claimed, and I felt like my mom, the woman before my father ruined her, was back. “I just want to talk to him.”
“Okay.” I opened the door to Nikolai’s office and his eyes raised to meet me. “Hey, my mom wants to talk to you,” I muttered fidgety. “If it’s a good time.”
“Yes, of course.” He took the phone I handed him.
“Nikolai Smirnov speaking.”
I wasn’t sure why I was nervous. My mother had never been harsh to a single living creature for as long as I’ve lived. I just didn’t expect her to ask to talk to Nikolai. I didn’t want her to make him doubt his marriage proposal.
That man knows what he wants and nothing deters him,I scoffed to myself. Yeah, nothing and nobody would make him doubt his proposal. I was probably the only one that could stop him from going through with our wedding and there was no chance in hell I’d ever do it. I loved him and wanted my happily ever after. Damn it, I would have it with Nikolai Smirnov.
“Yes, that’s right.” Nikolai responded to my mother. “We’d like to get married within a month.”
Shit, what was my mom saying. Curiosity was killing me.
“Olivia wants to do it with her loved ones around, so we would love to have you be part of it.”
I started chewing my lip nervously, staring at Nikolai. But I couldn’t tell a single damn thought or emotion from him.
“Of course, it would be my pleasure.”
“Nikolai,” I whimpered, shifting from one foot to the other nervously. “What is going on?”
He smiled, and as soon as I saw the twinkle in his eyes, I knew everything was alright. He reached his hand out. I took it and he pulled me onto his lap.
“I want my daughter to be happy and have a good man to care for her,” I heard my mother’s soft voice, now that I sat on Nikolai’s lap. “She says she loves you but do you love her?”
I swore I felt my cheeks heat up. Who was that woman? She sounded like my mother but in my entire life, I had not heard her so direct and bold.
“With all my heart,” Nikolai responded without delay.
“Good,” my mother replied. “I won’t ask about your heritage or what you do for a living. You kept her safe, and you kept me safe, which says a lot more about you than anything else.” Thank God, she wouldn’t take the route of heritage. Not that it would matter. “Besides,” my mom continued in a slightly sarcastic tone, “Olivia tends to do what she feels is right. And if I told her not to marry you, she’d drag you down the aisle tomorrow.”