I facepalmed on my forehead. I couldn’t believe she just said that.

“If that's the case, Mrs. Fray,” Nikolai replied to my mother, “could you please object to her marrying me so she can drag me down the aisle tomorrow.”

My mother actually laughed. I couldn’t believe my ears, that sound so long forgotten. What had happened in the last two weeks to make her change like this?

“I like you and I would love to see my only daughter walk down the aisle,” my mom cackled back. “So I will not object, otherwise I would help you out. And please call me Mother, Mother-in-law, or Bridget. Never Mrs. Fray.”

“As you wish, Mother.” God, I didn’t think I could love him even more but he just took all of my heart. I pressed my lips on his cheek, nibbling on his scarred side of the lip.

“I love you so much,” I mouthed silently and his grin was the best reply.

“Thank you again,” my mom told him. “And as soon as you have a date and place for the wedding, please let me know. I want to be there early and get to know my new son. You have all my blessings.”

“Of course. Thank you for your blessing and acceptance.”

They spoke another second or two before my mother said her goodbyes, satisfied with who I was marrying. I guess.

“I didn’t expect her to ask to talk to you,” I was still in disbelief. “Or to say so many words. Do you believe me if I told you that is the most she spoke in years?”

He nuzzled my neck and pressed his lips there, sending delightful shivers down my body.

“It was good for her to get away from your dad,” he murmured against my neck.

I took his face between my hands. “Thank you,” I leaned my forehead against him. “Not only did you save me but you brought my mother back to me.”

“Don’t thank me,” he muttered. “Just don’t ever leave me.”

“Never,” I vowed. I snuggled tighter against him.

“I want to fuck you while you are sitting on my lap,” he hummed in my ear. “Then bent over my desk.”

“Oh, I like the sound of that,” I moaned, his hand circling my inner thigh.

“Hey you two.” Ilya came through the door, and I quickly shot off Nikolai’s lap.

“Damn it, Ilya,” Nikolai barked. “Can’t you knock?”

“I did,” he replied, completely calm. “You were just too busy feeling your woman to hear me.”

“I’ll see you later,” I muttered to Nikolai, pecked him on the cheek, and cleared out of there. That was too much embarrassment for one day.

* * *

Another day went by. I spent the afternoon with Tasha doing school work, and after we all had dinner, she crashed early. Every time she crashed early, Nikolai and Andrey kept shaking their heads in disbelief. Apparently Tasha hated bed time, which has completely changed since I came into the picture.

I found myself sitting in the office with Nikolai, Ilya, and Andrey. They were becoming my gang. I watched the exchange from my spot, seated in a loveseat with my legs curled under me. It turned out Malcome was indeed Polish, but his mother was of Russian heritage. He spent quite a bit of time in Russia before his parents immigrated to the U.S.

Nikolai ordered tracing of both his parents’ roots and was reading his mother’s file that Ilya handed him.

“No fucking way,” Nikolai kept muttering.

“I triple checked it,” Ilya commented. I wondered what was it that made them so shocked.

“How in the-” I was sure Nikolai was going to curse again but stopped himself. Inwardly, I smiled. Earlier he had a stream of curses leaving his lips when talking with Dimitry. Afterwards, I teased him that if he didn’t watch it, Tash and our future children would have a very rich vocabulary.

My heart warmed just thinking about his response. Right after I said that, both his hands wrapped around me, pulling me against his body as he whispered into my ear promising he would watch his language… for me, Tash, and our future children. And darn if I didn’t love how he lay claim to our future together.

“What is it?” I asked softly. They both seemed rather rowdy at whatever information they obtained.