“I know. I just can’t believe it myself!”

I ended my call with Betty as I pulled into my driveway. I ordered pizza and invited my mother-in-law to stay for an early dinner. As we all sat around the island countertop, chatting about our day, I got the distinct feeling things were never going to be the same again. Sienna laughed at something on her cell phone, and she looked genuinely happy.

“What’s so funny?” I asked her, smiling. It always makes me happy to see her happy.

“Jack just sent me a funny GIF. Look, Mom” She showed me what he sent her. I smiled, shaking my head.

“You kids find the weirdest things funny.”

My mother-in-law got up to leave and all the kids went to hug her. I walked her out to her car, wanting to have alone time to let her know of my vacation plans. I almost snickered at myself.

“Laura, I didn’t want to tell you in front of the kids but I am surprising them with a trip to Croatia for the summer. My boss is letting me work from there.” I couldn’t believe I was keeping a straight face as I uttered that boldface lie.

“Oh, they are going to love that! Saoirse just mentioned today how she misses Croatia. And all of you need a nice summer break.” She sounded genuinely happy for us.

“Thank you! And thank you so much for watching them since break started.”

“Don’t thank me. They are my grandchildren. We are family!” She hugged me as she said that and I hugged her back. She was right, we are indeed family. I just hoped that having Kristoff’s children wouldn’t change that.

As she drove off, I went back in the house and Sienna was already cleaning up her sisters’ mess. “Oh, thank you, Sienna!”

“No problem, Mom!”

“So… I have a surprise for everyone I hope you will like.” I announced in a cheerful voice although I didn’t feel it inside.

Three pairs of eyes looked at me in anticipation. I smiled and continued. “I am able to take summer off and get all of us on a plane to spend our summer in Croatia! We’ll leave this Friday so we have tons of packing to do.”

A roar of cheers erupted and the little ones jumped with joy. Sienna was smiling but she didn’t seem as happy with the idea.

“What’s wrong, Sienna?” I asked her. “I’d thought you’d be happy.”

“Nothing. I love it there and love the idea of spending summer at the beach,” she replied with conflicting feelings shadowing her pretty face. “I’ll just miss Jack. We had some plans to do things together this summer.”

I looked at her pensively. I liked Jack too, and she seemed to like him a lot. And he had been a good influence on her. I hadn’t seen Sienna so happy since before her dad passed away.

“How about this? Ask him if he would come and visit. But please don’t say anything till we get there and have at least a week to get acclimated… ok?”

Her face lit up. “That’s a great idea! Thanks, Mom.”

“You’re welcome; just don’t tell him about us leaving till we get there and then invite him,” I added one more time. “I can ask his dad too.”

“Sounds great.”

“Now, let’s go pack!”

And we started the whirlwind of getting suitcases out, negotiation of what toys we’d take and what we wouldn’t, throwing clothes into each suitcase, shoes, bathing suits… by eight in the evening, we were all packed.

Sienna came up as I was getting ready to read a bedtime story to little ones. I think we were all tired so I decided on the shortest story I could find,Good Night Moon.

Nothing beats that one, I thought with the chuckle.

And right after, we all went to bed. I felt like a toddler myself, needing sleep desperately. I tucked Saoirse into her bed, kissed Sienna goodnight, she reminded me she is too old to be tucked in, and when it was Sierra’s turn, my little cuddlebug just wouldn’t have it. As if she sensed my distress, she insisted on sleeping in Mommy’s bed. Too tired to be firm today, we both snuggled into my bed, and as she was hugging me, I watched my toddler slowly drifting off to sleep.

I ran my hand through her blonde curls gently. As I was doing that, I glanced at my cell laying in between us to check on my messages. I didn’t see anything, and I was too tired to get the phone to the charger. My eyelids grew heavy and exhaustion that had been lingering over me all day crept in. The last thought before I fell asleep was Kristoff.

I’m not sure how long I slept when I felt constant vibration nudge me to open my eyes. It was my cell phone ringing. I didn’t bother checking who it was and just answered it groggily and disoriented.

“Hello?” I murmured, my voice raspy from sleep.