“Gemma, are you sleeping?” It was Kristoff, and my heart skipped a beat.

“Ahmmm… yes.”

“I’m sorry to wake you.” Kristoff's voice was deep and sounded like a dream. Or maybe it sounded like a dream because I was in fact dreaming.

“No worries. Everything ok?” I asked.

“Yes. How did your doctor’s appointment go?”

“Good, everything is fine.” My eyelids were heavy, and it was on the tip of my tongue to tell Kristoff I’m pregnant. I felt disoriented from exhaustion, and my thoughts were in a fog.

Before I could say anything, Kristoff spoke up. “I’m going to be out of town till Sunday evening. I told Kimberly to take the rest of the week off. You do the same. Also, there is a bonus payout happening this week to you and Kimberly for a job well done during and after the acquisition.”

“Oh.” I was not sure what to say. It felt wrong to accept it, especially knowing what I was getting ready to do. “Thanks, I guess.”

“Don’t thank me. You worked hard for it.” I felt like Kristoff was waiting for something and wasn’t sure what, so the line remained silent between us.

Finally, he broke it. “Gemma, I want you to slot a time on the calendar for Monday morning for us? I want to talk to you without any disruptions about the message you sent yesterday.”

“Ok.” I knew he would tell me he had the intention of getting another “secretary” for his personal needs. But it didn’t matter because I wouldn’t be there on Monday. I would be thousands of miles away. Him giving me “time off” through the end of the week ended up working out better than I could have ever planned it.

“I’ll let you get back to sleep then. Good night, Gemma.” His voice sounded like a caress, which I hated more than his cold voice.

“Good night, Kristoff.”And goodbye.

I didn’t hesitate to push the end call button. A single tear rolled down my cheek and I wiped it away. That chapter was over and behind me now. There was no sense in dwelling over it. I have to focus on the new lives growing inside of me and my girls. I closed my eyes and this time, I didn’t allow myself any thoughts of Kristoff as I drifted off back to sleep.

Chapter Sixteen

Friday was our departure day and from the moment we woke up, the day was hectic, stressful and busy. I haven’t talked to Kristoff or heard from him since Tuesday night and it’d been the longest we’ve gone without talking since the moment I started working for him. I didn’t expect to hear from him but I guessed I’d be lying if I said I didn’t hope.

It was little past noon when Rick came through my door.

“Hey beautiful girls,” he greeted. All the girls screeched and ran to give him a hug.

“Are you driving us to the airport now?” Saoirse asked, ready to get her adventure started.

“We have a few hours,” he kneeled down as he responded. “Go through your room and double check you haven’t forgotten anything.”

She nodded and sprinted up the stairs. Rick came over to me and kissed me on the cheek, as he added. “Hey there, beautiful.” His eye was still bruised.

“Hey there, Rocky,” I answered jokingly, referring to his black eye.

“I wish I could say you should see the other guy, but I never punched him back,” he mused.

“I know,” I patted his cheek gently. “You took the high road.”

“So,” he started. “...when did you decide to spend summer there? You never mentioned it till yesterday.”

I glanced around to ensure none of the kids were around. “Kind of spur of the moment, you know,” I answered blushingly uncomfortable with my lies.

“Ahmmm,” he added pensively. “I don’t buy it. Why don’t you try it again?”

I glanced at him exasperatedly. “You are such a pain sometimes!”

“I know,” he confirmed. “But that’s why you love me. Now, tell me.”

I glanced around one more time and then answered him on a sigh. “I’m pregnant and Kristoff has moved on.”