“That is the best idea I heard all week,” Samuel Jr. chimed in, and I was surprised to find him there.

“Hey, there,” I said to him.

“Come on in and take the conference table,” Samuel Sr said. “I actually ordered lunch and should be here in the next half hour. How do you feel about a working lunch?”

“Perfect!” I answered, and we all got right to work. When lunch arrived, we all continued working right through it. We discussed steps and what else had to be finished by the end of the day while we ate.

It was well past 4:00 p.m. when Samuel Sr. excused himself to the restroom, as Samuel Jr. and I were in a lively discussion about the best approach to maximize the return. I found out over the last week that he also had a degree in finance and we often found ourselves challenging each other.

“You are wrong, Gemma,” Samuel Jr. said teasingly.

“I am not wrong,” I replied, agitated by him. “And you know I am not wrong. See, the evidence is right here,” I said, pointing to a breakeven point in the timeline. He leaned over my shoulder, closer to me to see what I was showing him on my laptop. His head was almost touching mine. “See, Samuel. Breakeven point in this scenario happens nine months earlier than in the other scenario.”

We were both so enwrapped in our discussion and looking at the spreadsheet on my laptop that we didn't even notice Kristoff behind us.

“Isn’t this some sight?” His voice was pure ice.

Both Samuel and I looked up from the spreadsheet at the same moment, and I froze from the furious look in his eyes. We all stared at each other in silence. The air was so tense I could cut it with a knife.

“Kristoff.” Samuel Sr. walked in at that moment, completely missing the tension in the room. Or he just didn’t care to notice it. “Samuel and Gemma will have this task finished today for sure. They just don’t seem to be able to agree on the best approach.”

Kristoff never wavered his look from Samuel Jr. and myself.

“Well, I have to tell you, Kristoff,” Samuel Jr. edged him on nonchalantly, a challenge clear in his voice. “Your admin definitely has brains and beauty. Hot all the way!”

I looked at Junior, furious. “Seriously, Samuel! What a jackass thing to say, you are just pissed off that you are wrong. Stop trying to agitate everyone!”

Samuel Sr. chuckled happily and patted Kristoff on the back.

“Trust me, Kristoff. She can handle him!” I inadvertently winced. That sounded like a wrong thing to say.

Kristoff pressed his lips in a tight line. I wanted to walk over to him, wrap my hands around his neck, and tell him there was nothing for him to be mad about. But I remained glued to my seat, looking at him quietly.

And this is what I have been trying to avoid, getting caught in the crossfire!I thought to myself.

Kristoff finally looked over at Samuel Sr. “Samuel, I need Gemma for an hour. Then she can finish up with you. But tomorrow, I need her dedicated to me upstairs.”

I could feel my blood boiling.Who does he think he is? Talking about me like I am an object!

“Nice of you to share her, Kristoff,” Samuel Jr. chimed in, and I flinched.

What the hell is wrong with this guy?

I turned with a murderous look to Samuel Jr. He just smiled innocently. Kristoff actually ground his teeth and balled his fists like he was getting ready to punch Samuel Jr.

Luckily, Samuel Sr. jumped in finally realizing the tense situation. “Thanks, Kristoff. I actually think Gemma finished the project, and I’ll just wrap it up and email it to you in the next five minutes. It wasn’t fair that we took so much of her time today.”

Samuel Jr. took my hand and kissed it in the 15th century gesture, which would be cute if not for the current situation, while I stared at him dumbfounded with my mouth open. “Gemma, always a pleasure working with you!”

Kristoff stormed off, pissed, and slammed the door on the way out. I looked at Junior and finally shook my head. “That was a dick move, Samuel.”

“I know, I’m sorry. But he was asking for it.”

I turned to Samuel Sr. “If you need anything else, just call me or shoot me an email.”

“Thank you, dear. Gemma, can I give you advice?”

I nodded to the good old man.