“Yes, of course it’s ok! After your comment about you boning Rick, it’s a good diversion,” we both laughed. “To be honest, I’m not really sure how things are going. I guess they are going well. I really don’t know where I stand with him.”

“What do you mean? You signed the other contract, right?” Betty asked.

“Actually, I didn’t. I just couldn't bring myself to sign it and I told him that.”

“What? And he kept you working for him?” Betty’s shock was evident in her voice. “Damn, Gemma. He really must like you.”

I took a moment and wondered about that. “I don’t know, Betty. Sometimes I think maybe he does, but then other times I wonder if it’s just about sex for him.”

“Gemma, listen to me. If it was just about sex, he would have moved on to the next woman that would sign the contract. He is making exceptions for you.”

“Anyhow, I guess we will see. I don’t want to get all invested into whatever this is with him.” There were a few seconds of silence, and then I added, “He is coming hiking with us this weekend. I just hope I don’t feel sick.”

Betty chuckled. “Oh, he is totally into you. And you are into him.” Then she added with concern in her voice. “You are sick?”

“I think my anemia came back with a vengeance,” I replied. “I am not sure how he feels about me. He’s thoughtful, caring and I love spending time with him. I know he wants me, but honestly how long can that last? He’s never mentioned love.”

“Have you?” Just like Betty to ask the question.

“No,” I mumbled over the phone.

“Gemma,” she started and I knew where it was going. “You are holding back. I can understand considering your history, but you have a chance at something here. Tell him.”

I shook my head and then answered. “I’m scared. I don’t know if I’d mentally survive another rejection, or another man’s abuse if I give it my all. I worry that he’s possessive and jealous like Jack. I see some traits and… quite frankly, I don’t think it will work out -”

Betty cut me off mid sentence. “Kristoff is nothing like that. Don’t overthink it, Gemma. It will all turn out exactly the way it should.”

Betty’s words were feeding my hope and I wasn’t sure if that was good or bad. Kristoff’s personality wasn’t anything like my late husband’s but he did have a possessive and jealous streak. I understood where it came from but it caused me to be somewhat leary. I was totally in love with him but what feelings did he have for me.

Maybe Betty is right, and by holding back, I’m ruining my chance at happiness.

I shifted the subject to the kids, and after thirty minutes on the phone, it felt like nothing happened and everything was the same.

Chapter Eleven

My friendship with both Samuel Sr. and Samuel Jr. started to grow. The elderly man was a sweetheart. And I came to realize that the facade Samuel Jr. put on was just a show. He surprised me with his thoughtfulness, and his eagerness to help build up the company.

Kristoff, on the other hand, did not like him at all. It surprised me because generally his judgment of character was spot on. I started to suspect that the reason he assigned Samuel Sr. as a Senior Advisor was because he did not want to deal with Samuel Jr.

Each time Kristoff found me talking to Samuel Jr., he would frown and his mood would turn sour. He spoke with such coldness to Samuel Jr. that if I were in his place, I would avoid the man in every possible way. But not Samuel Jr. It was like he went out of his way to annoy Kristoff. I really did not understand either man and made sure I didn't find myself in their crossfire.

One of the projects he assigned me required a whole two day collaboration with Samuel Sr., and Samuel Jr. joined in unbeknownst to Kristoff. We all dug into it to ensure we could get Kristoff the information he wanted. I decided it was better if Samuel Sr. parked himself at our floor, or me on his floor, instead of both of us running back and forth. Kristoff was tied up with his meetings, and by lunchtime, I was sick and tired of wasting time running up and down, so I grabbed my laptop and looked at Kimberly.

“Kimberly, I am sorry to do this. Can you take care of here while I park myself with Samuel Sr. to get this project done?”

“Sure, dear. But should you check with Kristoff first?” Her voice alluded that she knew what was going on between him and me. “You know how he gets…”

“I’ve been trying to catch him all morning,” I answered, exasperated. “Can you let me know when you catch him, and I’ll come back to talk to him. At this rate, this project will take all week.”

“Ok, dear. If you think this is for the best.”

I nodded and grabbed my laptop and notebook.

I found myself a few floors down and knocked on Samuel Sr.’s office door.

“Hey.” I poked my head in as I heard permission to come in. “It is me. I thought this would be easier and faster to finish if we didn’t constantly run up and down to discuss. Is that ok?”

“Of course, dear,” Samuel Sr. answered.