Chapter One

Istood in the street not knowing where to go or what to do. I couldn’t hold back my tears anymore. As one tear strolled down my face, it was like a floodgate opened. I started walking aimlessly, barely seeing where I was going. I noticed a few curious glances thrown my way, and I made sure not to make eye contact.

Unless you intend to be fucking Samuel, I need a signed contract. Kristoff’s words were repeating in my head over and over again. This really hurt. Jack had physically abused me but those wounds and bruises healed. What Kristoff had done was hurt my heart and soul, and those wounds ran deeper. Those wounds didn’t heal so easily.

This was so much worse. I should have taken my own advice and kept my distance from Kristoff. I couldn’t believe it was happening all over again.

The clouds turned grey and it started raining, matching my mood. I didn't know how long I walked, but when I finally stopped, I was drenched by rain and was blocks away from the company and my car.

I worried about my girls. I didn't want them to see me like this, but then, I remembered they were with their grandma. I was grateful for the little break I could get. All I wanted to do was crawl into my bed and sob my misery away. I decided to take a cab home, and I’d worry about getting my car this weekend. I wiped my face although it was pointless with raindrops falling down onto it.

As I went to raise my hand to flag a cab, I realized I didn’t have my purse on me.

I must’ve left that in the office. There was no way I’d go back there although Kristoff might be gone from the office by now. I shook my head. I wouldn’t risk it.

Instead, I decided to dial up Rick.

“Hey Gemma,” Rick’s voice reached through the phone.

“Hi Rick,” I choked up, my voice raspy.

“What’s wrong?” he questioned right away, concern in his voice.

“Why do you assume something is wrong?” I attempted humor although I wasn’t quite succeeding with my shaky voice.

“Because I’ve known you for a long time,” he answered. “Are you ok?”

“Yes, I think so.” My voice quivered and I cursed myself. “I need a favor please.”

“Anything, just name it.”

“Could you pick me up please?” I asked. “I left my purse and car keys in the office so I can’t take a cab.”

“Tell me where you are.” No questions, no judgements, no advice. That’s why I loved Rick.

“I’m on the east side of the monument,” I answered. “Thank you so much.”

“You bet,” his voice was firm. “I’m walking out the door as we speak. I’ll be there in five minutes.”

I pressed the end button on my phone and glanced around me. There weren’t many people out and about since it was raining. I saw an empty bench and walked over to sit down, feeling exhausted. I stared in front of me, but not really seeing anything. I felt defeated… defeated and tired.

It started to rain harder, but in my state of mind I hardly noticed it.

“Gemma.” I heard a man’s voice and looked up like in haze. It was Rick. He walked towards me in his firm stride.

“Jesus Christ,” he breathed heavily. “You are soaked to the bones. I’ve been calling you.”

I eyed him tiredly. “Sorry, I didn’t hear you.”

He took his suit jacket off and wrapped it around me. “C’mon, let’s get you home.”

He kept his hand on my shoulder and gently nudged me towards his car that was sitting in the middle of the road with the driver door wide open, still running.

“You shouldn’t leave your car running in the middle of the road,” I mumbled, numb to my core. “That is an open invitation to get your car stolen.”

“I’ll remember that,” he answered gently as he helped me into the passenger seat. I was so out of it that he leaned in and put the seatbelt on for me.

He hurried around, got in the driver seat, and put his black BMW M5 into drive.