“Want me to take you by the office to get your purse?” he asked.
I looked at him wearily. “No, thanks. I’d rather not today.”
He just nodded and sped down the streets, taking the quickest way out of the city. I stared in front of me as buildings and the city blurred past me. He turned the heat on in the car, although it was late May, and pointed the vents towards me. I glanced at him in question.
“You are shivering,” he said concerned. “I don’t want you to get sick.”
I didn’t even notice it. I looked like hell. My white blouse was pretty much soaked, my push up bra outline showing through it. My hair was so wet, droplets of water were falling onto Rick’s suit jacket slowly drenching it.
I was grateful that Rick hadn't asked any questions. I knew he wouldn’t. It was why I called him, not Betty.
He was now speeding down the highway, and although my clothes were still wet, my shivering stopped. I wished it was just as easy to get my heart healed.
“Better?” Rick asked, interrupting my thoughts.
“Yes, thanks,” I mumbled quietly.
His concerned eyes studied me before focusing back on the road. “Should I get us something to eat?”
“I’m not hungry,” I replied quietly. “But if you are, go ahead.”
“Gemma, you look pale as a ghost. You have to eat something,” he insisted.
“I will,” I said. “When I get home, I promise.”
“Girls are still spending the weekend with grandma?” he asked.
“Yes,” I answered with a sigh.Thank God,I felt those words unspoken. I didn’t think I could act brave, like nothing was wrong. I had always hid all my bruises and fights with a brave face during my marriage with Jack, but this felt so much worse. I didn’t know whether it was worse because Kristoff's words were exactly like Jack’s or because it came from Kristoff.
“Here we are.” Rick pulled his car at the front door and got out.
I really didn’t want any company right now. I didn’t want Rick to see me fall apart. He’s been there for me through all those years with Jack. He didn’t need to see this as well. He opened the car door for me and I took his hand.
“Thank you for picking me up,” I said again. I went around to the garage door and punched my pin number into the keypad prompting my garage door to open. He followed me through the garage into my house.
“You don’t need to thank me,” he simply answered. “I’ll always be there for you when you need me. We are family.”
Tears pricked my eyes again, and with the lump in my throat, I swallowed hard. Rick turned me to him and looked at my face. Without another word, he hugged me tight, my face crashing into his chest.
“Please,” I mumbled into his shirt, choking, trying to hold back my tears. “I just need some time alone.”
“You shouldn’t be alone right now,” he said gently. His hands gently rubbed my back in a soothing motion. It only made it worse. I started sobbing, my body shaking hard against him. He cooed me like a child and never stopped rubbing my back up and down.
“It’s ok,” he whispered softly into my hair. “Everything will be ok.”
I didn't know how long we stayed like that, but he soothed me as I sobbed against his chest.
I pushed him away gently. “I’m sorry,” I apologized, quivering. “I got your shirt all wet.”
I had to stop. Crying my eyes out wasn’t helping anyone. I had to be strong.
Rick’s eyes, so similar to Jack’s, were intent on me. “Don’t worry about the shirt,” he commented, and then asked in a quiet voice. “What happened?”
“Nothing,” I mumbled.
“Gemma, I’ve never seen you cry before,” Rick’s voice was low. “Jack cheated, you kept it together. Jack yelled and screamed at you, you kept it together. Even that last day when Jack almost…” He left his words unspoken, and I understood him. Because I could never say that word either. He cleared his throat. “Even then you refused to cry.”
It seemed so long ago. That day Jack came home raging, accusing me of cheating, and then he almost forced himself on me. He was so far gone that all my pleading to stop fell on deaf ears. I was lucky to escape him with just bruises on my face and my arms.