There were so many words on the tip of my tongue, and on my mind, but I wasn’t sure how to get them all out. He watched me, and just like from the very moment we met, I felt like he could actuallyseeme.
“I love you, Layla.” My heart raced and my breath whooshed out of me. “It’s fast, I know. I’ll wait as long as you need to, but I know this,” his hand drifted between us, “-what we have here is something special.”
Waves of happiness surged into me at his words. “I love you too, Maxim.” Things were moving fast but I couldn’t regret it. “I have never felt with anyone the way I feel with you. I just don’t want to ruin it.”
“You’re not.” He sounded certain. I wished I was as certain as he was. It was scary to find something so amazing and risk losing it. But Maxim gave me faith that we could get through anything together.
“Besides, I want more of what happened last night. You have opened a door I never knew existed in me,” I murmured, attempting at a joke.
His lips curved into a smile as he pressed them against mine. “Only if you beg me, my filthy woman.”
Pressing my body against his, I murmured softly, “I’ll beg. Want me to get down on my knees and beg?”
His response was a groan, and his kiss turned hungry, demanding. I didn’t mean to taunt him, but it certainly came out that way.
Liar. You love making him lose his control.My mind was mocking me, and it was right. It was addicting, and how he brought my body to exuberating heights was thrilling.
“Naughty woman,” he murmured. “We have a busy day, so you’ll have to get down on your knees and beg tonight.”
I pouted, causing him to burst into a booming laughter.
“So what’s the plan today?” I asked. It would have been more pleasurable to ignore what had to happen today but I knew there would be no such luck. It had to be done.
“We are meeting Daniel in two hours. I have movers ready to pack up your house, I just need keys to your place. And your grandparents will be getting arrested. It was initially scheduled for Monday, but they expedited it.”
“That is a busy day,” I commented. It won’t be an easy day, that was for sure. “The movers don’t need a key. The front door unlocks with a code.” I gave him the code, which he quickly sent to his contact.
“Do you want furniture moved too?”
I shook my head. “No, just my clothing, toiletries, books, and electronics. Everything else is theirs.”
He sent another text and then he put the phone down. “They’ll bring it all here. You can decide if you want it here or at my other place.”
“Maxim, are you sure?”
“Fuck, yes.” His blue gaze drilled on me. “You are not?”
“It feels like freeloading.” It was hard to explain, but I tried anyhow. “My grandparents were more than happy to remind me of that all the time. If I didn’t have the blackmail sum hanging over me, I would have been able to afford my own place but-”
“Layla, it is not freeloading if I am asking you to stay with me.”
“What if I paid something towards it?” He frowned like he didn’t understand the question. “I want to contribute something if we are to live together.”
“How about you buy groceries?”
I groaned. “I can try, but I’d rather pay the electric or water bill. I suck at picking up groceries.”
He chuckled. “Not much of a housewife, huh?”
“Nope. But,” I grinned deviously, “I could have groceries delivered.”
“And I pay the electric bill.”
“But I have all those millions from you.”