I noticed Colin’s eyes lingered on his nephew’s hand and I took a slight step away from Lachlan as I sat down.
“Don’t worry,” Lizzy spoke up. “Eve doesn’t eat ice cream either. At least, so far she hasn’t.”
Then she frowned, looked at me, and asked, “Do you like ice cream?”
I shook my head. “No, I don’t like ice cream.”
“Well, would you look at that,” Jack exclaimed. “You two are a perfect match.”
As he realized what he said, he glanced away and I felt heat coloring my cheeks, although it had nothing to do with the temperatures of this summer afternoon.
Lizzy playfully hit her husband on the arm, scolding him. “You made Eve uncomfortable.”
“No, all good,” I defended him. He looked plenty uncomfortable.
“Did the waiter already come around?” I asked, trying to distract.
Luckily the waiter’s timing was perfect, because he showed up behind me. I ordered iced coffee with a glass of water and Lachlan ordered black coffee. I took note he always drank his coffee black.
The afternoon turned out pleasant. Conversation kept going. Lachlan, Jack, and Colin talked about fly fishing while Lizzy and I talked about cooking. Well, she mainly talked and I asked questions. I knew very little about cooking and knew nothing about cooking fresh fish caught that day.
“Oh, deary,” Lizzy exclaimed. “We’ll have to teach you. Every Scotsman goes fishing and when he brings home freshly caught fish, he expects his wife to clean it up and cook it for dinner.”
“That’s ok,” I told her. “I’ll pass.”
Colin laughed. “Lizzy, I think she is telling you she won’t be cooking any fish.”
“Or gutting it,” I added.
“Oh my dear,” she looked a bit flabbergasted. This time it was her husband’s turn to pat her arm and tell her to stop making me uncomfortable. “A husband will expect it.”
“She might not want to marry a Scotsman,” her husband said as I took a sip of water and I almost choked on it.
Why are they talking about marriage at all?
Lachlan kept tapping my back as I coughed water that went down wrong.
“Stop it you two,” Colin came to my rescue. “You are making Eve uncomfortable. She won’t come with us next week if you keep this up.”
I shook my head to let him know it’s ok since I still couldn’t talk, and he added, “See, now she is saying she won’t come anymore.”
“Oh, deary,” Lizzy quickly apologized. “I am sorry. We won’t talk about you getting married anymore. I just want to hook you up.” She looked sincere, and it would be comical, if the subject was someone else.
“It’s okay,” I choked out, my voice scratchy from the cough. “No hook up needed,” I added as I tried to take another little sip of water.
“Understood,” Jack responded. “You got hookup under control.”
And promptly I started choking again.
“Okay,” Lachlan stopped them all. “Eve, are you ready to go home?”
I nodded eagerly. Usually these outings with them were a lot more pleasant. We said our goodbyes and with Lachlan’s hand on the small of my back, I waved them goodbye. Lizzy winked at me and I frowned.
What was that for?I wondered.Did she do that on purpose?
As we left them behind, Lachlan and I walked in silence for a while.
“Usually it is more pleasant,” I interrupted the silence, adding, “Hanging out with them I mean.”