Vincent’s gaze slithered down my bare body, and it was through the twitch of his hardening erection that I realized he was naked.

Freaking hell.

The dark fae was huge in every single manner of the word. Bigger than Corry between the thighs, taller than Sterling, who was just a handful of inches shy of seven feet. His barreled chest was larger than Eros’, and all that combined amassed the gigantic ego he carried with him regardless of his form.

His attention unlatched from me to skim over Sterling’s bed. The white bed sheets were covered in dots of my blood and littered with an assortment of wicked steel instruments and sex toys. It looked like a porno set directed by Alfred Hitchcock. His eyes moved to my pierced nipples and the gleam of steel that was just visible nestled between the folds of my sex.

“What have they done to you, little monster?” His voice had been so grating and full of fury when he’d addressed his brothers, but for me, it was a low hum that caressed parts of me he had no right to touch.

My throat bobbed with a gulp. My competing halves were battling it out over whether to rejoice and welcome him between my thighs, or burn him down with the fire inside me he claimed to love so much and dance on his ashes.

I almost wished I’d succumbed to the hibernation. If I had, I’d be dead asleep right now and not clinging to the last shreds of my control. He was deliciously monstrous with his black and white flesh, his build that would have Hercules green with envy, and that cock with all its textured mass.

And, of course, there was his scent.

My eyelashes fluttered as his aroma of testosterone, electrical storms, and dark magic banded my chest, my throat, and my heart like barbed wire.

The Feral King’s entire demeanor was hopelessly intoxicating. I was so furious with him it made me ache to even meet his gaze. He didn’t have to touch me to make me feel all of him. That’s how it was with the brutal vampire. He had a way of crawling beneath my skin, invading my system like an illness.

Vincent Feral was a disease.

A sickness, one that made me weak and vulnerable, and the bastard was his own antidote.

His touch was as much my demise as it was my cure.

My body pulsated as he stood at the foot of Sterling’s bed, feasting on the way I was stretched out with my arms chained above my head.

“Mmm,” his grave-deep rasp had me shivering from the need of him. A heady groan bled past my lips as I ground my sweat and cum soaked thighs together in an attempt to sate the surge of arousal his presence invoked.

“Surrender to your deepest instincts, Princess. Release your monster and let her welcome home her mate by spreading those pretty little thighs for me.”

“Stay the fuck away from me. I don’t want you!” My voice split from anger as tears branded my eyes. Even as I screamed the words, I knew they weren’t true.

I still wanted him.

I still loved him.

Vincent wasn’t like his brothers. He didn’t make it easy to be close to him. I’d fallen in love with a creature who, by nature, feasted on mortal suffering. And like a lamb to the slaughter, I kept giving him my heart to break repeatedly. The big money question was, why? Did I really crave Feral’s brutality because I was the princess born from the seed of Lucifer’s most malevolent creature and the womb of the human with the power to end the reign of his bloodline? That I was destined to seek my own destruction because of the unholy union from which I was born?

Maybe it was more simple than that.

Just a few weeks ago, my understanding of love and romance and human partnership had been obtained from movies and books. How could I have truly understood the depths of love and insanity that one would subject themselves to all in the name of it? Especially love between two natural-born enemies with an entire luggage store’s worth of baggage stacked between them.

“Don’t lie to me,” Vincent purred on an octave so low I felt it in the pit of my stomach. “You want me so badly you’re making a mess of the priest’s sheets.” His boiling black gaze dropped to my pussy and the embarrassment it was making of me.

At the edge of my vision, Sterling stood beside Eros with his hand on his arm. Both of them were dead quiet and still as stone. For now. I knew they were waiting to see how things unfolded between Vin and me, but it was a comfort knowing they were here should shit go south fast.

“I’d rather take Satan himself up my ass right now than so much as be in the same room as you, Feral.”

“Stop being such a fucking brat and release your true self. I’ll tear you apart if I take you as you are.” He licked his sneering lips. “You crave me, little monster. Don’t deny it. You crave my mark. And as promised, I intend to give it to you.”

“If you lay so much as one damn pubic hair on me, I’ll rip your balls off with my teeth.”

“I can get into it,” he retorted with an odious chuckle.

Apparently, my vagina and the chaos within me could get into it too, because it was at that moment that my body decided to go into heat.
