“Chaos. Beautiful, untamable chaos.”
This was not what I’d imagined being caught between two of my lovers would be like. I thought it would be a battle of competing males, but it wasn’t anything like that. It felt like we were one unit, bound by our souls, or maybe even something that ran deeper than that.
Yet…Despite feeling completely at one with myself and my two mates, I still couldn’t get my monster to surface.
“What’s wrong, baby?” Eros frowned, sensing my frustration first.
“It didn’t work. I can feel again, but it’s like that other part of me is still sulking.”
Still half-hard inside me, Sterling gestured toward the door. “Leave us, Deathwish. I’m going to mark her, and I want you out when I do it.”
Eros scrambled out from under me, looking put out by the dismissal, though he didn’t argue.
Just as he got to the stone archway of the tower, he froze. There was a whoosh of air that surged through the tower, making papers fly in a cyclone around the room. His attention swung to the open window, and his eyes went wide with shock at first, then his face contorted with pure fury. ”You bastard!”
I couldn’t turn my head to see what he was looking at.
But then I didn’t need to.
An enormous shadow painted the wall ahead of me. A shadow so large, it swallowed Sterling and me, the entire bed, and the sins we’d committed within it.
There was no need for me to look to see who owned the shadow swallowing us. It was in the shape of a hulking man with great, feathery wings.
“What have you done to my mate? You’ve mutilated her!” The booming baritone of Vincent’s fae form exploded through the room, and it was the sound of his voice and his exhilarating scent of ozone that had my monster bursting to the surface.
Chapter forty-five
Control the Beast
Afamiliarpressureinmy fingertips made my nails buzz with pain as they extended into vicious claws. A similar strength that had launched me into a dozen-man murdering spree back in Boston coursed through my limbs. But it wasn’t quite the same potency as when I’d cracked that marble bathtub in half.
Sterling withdrew from my body, and in the next blink, he was on the other end of the room. His long arms captured Eros just as he readied to lunge at Feral. “You’re no match for a fully shifted fae. If you attack him now, he’ll kill you,” the Elder hissed into his brother’s ear as he restrained the snarling vampire against his chest. “How will you protect her then?”
Deathwish visibly relaxed, though the glint of murder didn’t abate from his lethal glower. It warmed my dark little heart to see him so protective over me in all the ways where Vin missed the mark. But I was relieved to see Sterling whisper some sense into him, because he was right. In this primal state, Vin would kill his own brother. And if the fucker took Eros from me, he’d be the same as Dagon.
Only worth the grave I’d be putting him in.
Everything inside me shuddered in unholy reverie as my senses seemed to flip on all at once, heightening to a level of perception they’d never reached before so they could properly process this new male presence. Vincent’s presence rammed into me with a similar subtlety as Sterling’s balls slapping against my freshly pierced clit.
I bit back a scream as my entire body went into overdrive.
I wanted to kill Vincent Feral.
But the thing inside me was on a different page. No,fuckpage. This bitch was reading a whole different book. From her perspective, her mate had been dead, and as she awakened, the reality that he was very much alive hit her like a defibrillator to the heart.
The cluster fuck of emotions storming my body cleaved me right down the middle, two opposing sides of the war that raged within me.
The goal of this night had been to jolt the thing inside me from its depression, but I felt my primal powers clawing their way to my surface. I feared the instinctual need to go to my mate would outweigh the heartbroken side, which wanted his severed dick on a plate.
As the monster emerged, I tried to shove her back down. The conflict inside me was so corporeal it weighed down my insides like a ton of bricks. I wanted to break the chain so I could rip out Vincent Feral’s intestines and strangle him with them. On the other hand, I wanted to keep myself immobilized to prevent my monster from doing something stupid.
When I found Vincent’s obsidian eyes—turbulent with hunger—watching me from where he was perched on the sill of the turret window, I froze.
All the breath in my lungs crystallized. Suddenly it hurt to breathe.
My insides were filled with ice while my exterior burst into feverish heat.
He was larger than I’d last seen him in that alley outside the BC HQ. His hulking form barely fit inside the sizable arched window. He was so inhuman-looking with his pitch-filled veins running a complicated network all over his body, a stunning combination of stark white and void-black flesh. When he ducked into the room, his taloned feet splayed over the aged floorboards that creaked beneath the male’s weight. Stretching to his full height, my heart fluttered as his wings fanned out on either side of him. The span of them was so enormous that their black tips almost brushed either wall of Sterling’s room.