
This was where my father was buried. Here lay the tomb of the vampire king.

My mind grappled with the impossible, and I was relieved when Vincent prowled out of the darkness.

He was dressed all in black, just like his brother. Maybe so they could mask themselves better?

My core heated with excitement when I realized where they were going to take this. There would be a hunt.

A chase.

Eros stepped back. “You’re going to want to start running, babygirl.” His voice was husky, rife with warning and full of threats I wanted him to make good on.

“We’ll give you a head start. Run as fast as you can. Because when we catch you, you’refucked.”

Chapter fifty-three


AsIsprintedthroughthe cemetery, the thing inside me began to grasp that this game was just a mating hunt. Wewantedto be caught, so she didn’t lend me her strength. I ran with the speed of a human girl. Dressed like a human girl. I even started to panic like a human girl in this situation.

Not because I was scared that my mates would actually hurt me.

I was just nervous as fuck to discover what Vin had done with his cock.

This game was so dark, so messed up. So deliciously insane.

And I was eating up every second of it. The little thrills of terror that shot through my body heightened me, making my heart pound hard with the same kind of ferocity that I feared just weeks ago.

It was strange to think about the person I’d been, just a girl with a heart monitor and a clawing need to feel alive. To be thrown into some dangerous situation and feel the jaws of danger gnash into me. My wish had been granted in ways I would’ve never imagined in my wildest fantasies.

As my feet slammed into the damp grass, I could feel them not far behind me, stalking me with the stealth of black panthers in the night.

I was their prey, and soon, they’d pounce.

How hard would I fight them? I didn’t want to fight them at all, but the thought of them forcing me to the ground while one of them held me down as the other yanked up my dress and forced open my thighs...

I purred to myself in delight, even as I peeled through the cemetery, putting distance between me and the depraved pleasure my mates offered. I wouldn’t keep up this speed for long. Soon they’d capture me.

Braving a glance over my shoulder, I peered through the dark to see four red eyes boring through me.

I shouldn’t have looked.

My foot caught on a gravestone, and I went hurling forward, straight into an open grave. My claws shot out on reflex, digging into the soft dirt of the grave’s wall to catch my fall. I breathed out in relief, my forehead resting against the dirt. That could have been bad. My monster instincts had caught me. It was the first time that had been reflexive.

Setting my feet to the ground, I spun around. My gasp locked in my chest when red eyes pierced right through me.

I wasn’t in the grave alone.

Vincent leered at me with raw lust brewing in his eyes like a storm ready to ravage and destroy.

His gaze swept down the length of my body. At first, there was no trace of desire in his gaze, only concern as he checked to make sure I was alright.

A relieved exhale left me as I registered his worry. Another reminder that this male cared deeply for me. He didn’t want to see me hurt, not unless it was the kind of pain I craved.

When he was certain I was fine, his expression darkened with hunger. “You look as sweet as you smell, Princess.”

His voice was all sex, and the fact that his chest was heaving from running added a pleasing quality to his cadence. Before I could react, he fisted my hair and wrenched my gasping mouth to his.