Deathwish’s mien turned baleful. “What did you just say to me, mortal?”

My eyes narrowed, and my mouth spread into a manic grin. “I didn’t stutter, asshole.”

A kiss of a breeze struck my face. When I opened my eyes, he was in front of me, his flash of fangs filling my vision. The scent of tobacco, weed, cloves, and a testosterone that was uniquely Eros, licked at my nose, making my thighs quiver in carnal appreciation.

“Let’s get one thing straight,Princess. I don’t care who sired you. While your heart beats, you’re good for nothing but the meal I can harvest from your veins and the hole between your legs.” With the same hand that clutched the cigarette, he hooked his pinky and lifted the hem of my dress. He hunched his spine as he brought his face near to my pelvis.

I trembled as his mouth came close to my sex, making me think he was going to press his lips to my aching juncture. Instead, he let out a mean chuckle and took another puff from his cigarette.

I let out a shaky exhale as he straightened, leering at me through his screen of smoke. “Your cunt is so desperate to be claimed that you can’t keep yourself from making a mess of your panties. You’re soaking.”

My blush deepened.

“Blushing is a dangerous thing to do in front of a vampire. Seeing all that blood rush to your cheeks?” A vein ticked in his jaw. “It gets me so hard. Wanna see?”

I took a step back, even though everything in me screamed to get closer.

“Oh, what’s the matter? You really going to pretend you’re not wandering these grounds in hopes the monsters that live in the shadows come out to fuck you?”

I stumbled backward and my butt hit a large marble gravestone, catching my fall. Eros consumed the space between us in a beat, trapping me against him with his hands pressed on either corner of the headstone.

Prisoner. Caged against cold stone and hard, lean muscle. My heart thrashed, and my breath went ragged. Monster instincts were telling me to lay down on whoever’s grave this was and spread my legs for my mate, but that wasn’t the game.

The game was for me to fight.

So I slapped him.

He barely flinched, even though there was more force to the strike than I’d meant. His lips peeled, and his fangs dripped with black blood. Shit. I’d hit him in a way that made his lips cut into his fangs.

His tongue skimmed over his ivory fangs, lapping up his blood. I burned for a taste, and my guess was he knew it, judging by the way he grinned as he held character.

“Fucking bitch. I should tear your throat out for that. Then again, I’ll be in big trouble with the council if I kill our pretty little princess. So maybe I’ll just punish you in a way we can both enjoy.” His hand slipped back underneath my dress, wedging itself between my thighs. I yelped when his fingers ran over my labia through the damp lace of my panties. “Your pink little pussy would love that, wouldn’t it?”

“Stop.” The words out of my mouth sounded alien, almost like my more primal half was saying,“Uh, bitch. Say wah? Do you need glasses? Because this is our mate.”

Clearly, my monster had no concept of roleplay.

A single brow shot up into the stray strands of blond that spilled from his beanie. “Stop, orwhat?”

“Stop, or I’ll fucking scream.”

“Go ahead. Wear those pathetic little vocal cords ragged, baby doll. I won’t stop unless you scream for my mercy.”

The subtle reminder to use my safe word in case I wanted all this to end pumped some relief into my rigid shoulders. I wanted this. I wanted to indulge in my darkest fantasies. Still, it was a nice reminder that all this was just pretend. None of this was real, and he’d drop this act the moment I gave the word.

I shook my head. “I don’t need your mercy, monster.”

He brandished a sinister sneer. “You mean you don’t needourmercy.”


Eros twisted to look back at the mausoleum. My pulse kicked up when I registered two red eyes that sliced through the darkened doorway.

There was something inside the crypt.

The eyes were so heavy on me, it was almost debilitating.

Then I saw it. The name etched over the crypt’s entrance. My heart crystallized. My blood froze in my veins.